Reminds me of the Mortal Kombat producers saying they took Johnny Cage out of the recent movie "because it felt wrong to have the main character be a white male in 2020". A) MK never had a "main character", B) WTF, C) They added a new, completely unnecessary main character who was half-Asian but still the whitest whitebread motherfucker I've ever seen, and D) They were holding Johnny Cage off until the sequel so they'd have something big to drop at the end, so the producer statements were purely fan-baiting and trying to score woke brownie points. All it really did was make a lot of people tune out the movie who were previously probably gonna check it out. Self-defeating at its finest.
I'm sure this Snow White movie is gonna recast the dwarves and everything, but I'm pretty sure the hot Latina is playing Snow White no matter what because they already announced her as the first Latina princess in a Disney movie.
I'm totally fine with a Latina princess, just wish they would have like, actually made a new character who represented that culture rather than appropriating the literal whitest princess in their entire lexicon and lazily recasting it.