Both the movies are fun but this one is much too one sided. And this pardon Snowden crap floating around recently is patently ludicrous. There are two things to consider: the message and the messenger.
Message here is more important than the messenger. The message (specifically all documents he stole) did so much harm to the inteligence community its mind bogingly, jaw droppingly shocking !! Nation states were already aware of lots on their own, its their job, but its the others in between average job and a nation state that are more of a worry.
....and people want to PARDON him? I AGREE the conversation he started is of VITAL importance.... but he fooked up.
Yes Snowdens message is IMHO an important one but it was ALREADY GENERALLY ( without specific, operation proof) known to people with an interest. Snowden SHOULD have blown the whistle but differently, perhaps not 100% by the book but better than this . The ruskies are laughing all the way to the bank on this one, they did not even have to lift a finger ! And Snowdens naivete, ignorance and childish belief in the fine print of the constitution did dammage they could ever do on own. And he presented himself to the ruskies at their doorstep on a silver platter ! #@$% moron. He is certainly no hero as portrayed, just a tool with a bit of a clue.
Now, looking at his message (issues of privacy etc), morally and otherwise is a different matter alltogether heh.
The messenger however, he is just a techie admin tool, and not even very well read to boot.... FFS even a low rate crime/spy novel reader could plan a better more effective escape route than Snowden did. He had ALL the time in the world he wanted to plan ahead! And he got stuck in HK and Moscow lol.... WTF.
Sigh, anyone working for Govt should IMHO make much better $$ and have better quality standards to live up to in house rather than contracting out. No offense to those working in defense heh, just saying, INTERNAL staff, kept CLOSE, you will pay more, but ummmm its a worthwhile investment in security long term! A happier worker will be a safer worker.....and a disgruntled worker....yah....
One thing I am curious about is whether Snowden inadvertantly contributed to the finding, unmasking and outing of the = group and some of their actual tools and source code (very recently after DNC hacks). Probably not , as their work was discovered already by at least Kaspersky in 2010-2012, but you never know. Another potential nail in the coffin of the pardon Snowden campain.