Soccer/Footy 2015-2016

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
It's 36m pounds with 22m in add-ons per the French reporter that started the story on Martial. Monaco already told Spuds to fuck off in earlier talks so it was going to take stupid money to get him. He could be a great player, he isn't now though so I don't really get how this helps the team at all. He's not striker which is what they need.


I know very little about him, only seen highlights.. but I'm sure the scouts know what they are doing.

Also, De Gea is off with Keylor Navas coming the other way. Sucks to lose the #1 GK in the world, but at least his replacement is top class.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I know very little about him, only seen highlights.. but I'm sure the scouts know what they are doing.

Also, De Gea is off with Keylor Navas coming the other way. Sucks to lose the #1 GK in the world, but at least his replacement is top class.
Funny how you spell Neuer


Molten Core Raider
Anyone who supports ManU closely enough will tell you Januzaj is stupid good. And he is. He's just very, VERY young in more than just age.

In 5-6 years if he's the best player in the world, I wouldn't be too surprised. Locking him up long term was one of ManU goals last year.


United down to 1 striker now! Not gonna count Fellaini. . . . . . . . .. . . and without Januzai, there's only 2 other forwards besides Rooney!
Fuck it. Somethings going on. Lets wait and see.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Who do you think you're actually going to get at this point? Aside from the current hilarity of the DDG transfer/non-transfer every Euro team seems pretty set right now. Hello Charlie Austin?


<Gold Donor>
Manc have had a shocking 24 hours. Fucking lol.... This DDG thing is hilarious... Tomorrow surely can't top today, right?!?!? Martial looks good, but the price is outrageous for someone with nothing proven.


Molten Core Raider
I know very little about him, only seen highlights.. but I'm sure the scouts know what they are doing.

Also, De Gea is off with Keylor Navas coming the other way. Sucks to lose the #1 GK in the world, but at least his replacement is top class.
Aren't you glad you get to keep him now?!
I"m sure he'll be back to his best in no time and won't waste a minute dwelling on this debacle.


Silver Knight of the Realm
While the English window is still open, the fact that Arsenal have not signed an outfield player is fucked. Just absolutely fucked. If I hear Wenger say one more time that they would only buy "top quality" and that no one is available that can improve the squad, I'll punch my monitor.


<Gold Donor>
Ya, but in truth there really are not many players who've moved to England this summer that will improve the starting 11. Schneiderlin I'll grant you, perhaps De Bruyne as well as Pedro maybe... but I can't honestly say I'd switch any strikers who've moved this summer for Giroud which is what Arsenal need - an upgrade on Giroud. Think they dicked around waiting for Benzema (lulllllz) and are now desperately calling around to people like Napoli, PSG, Inter, etc and it seems they've left it too late as per usual. It's easy (and fun!) to sit around today and tomorrow and laugh at United - but only to cover the pain of being an Arsenal fan in the transfer window. Seems we've turned into strictly opportunistic purchasers, irregardless of the funds clearly available to spend. Shit, I'd be pumped with someone like Draxler or Gotze at this point - two players we have no need for whatsoever.... what is wrong with me.




Silver Knight of the Realm
And that's what I find frustrating with Wenger. He dithers and tries to buy a bargain or will only get a player if the club needs to offload ala Ozil & Sanchez. We have the funds now to go out and bully some clubs. What about Jackson Martinez? I know he played in a Portuguese league but he is a fast strong striker. Who knows he might come good, I guess we'll see with Atletico. I think he's banged one in so far. And of course now that the international break is upon us, you know one of Cazorla/Ozil/Ramsey/Kos will come back with some sort of knock. Hate being this pessimistic but fuck its like every year the same shit happens.

But yeah .. ManU spending 36 mil on a 19 year old wow. I guess we'll wait and see. And the whole DDG situation is full of lulz.

Great gifs!


I guess Man U are effectively paying ?40-50m for one more year of DDG's services then. ?20m lost transfer fee, ?20-30m for a Navas replacement. And wages of course, but a quick google says DDG actually has a pretty moderate wage bill of ?75k/week, and Navas would probably get similar or more.

It'll be a solid upgrade over Romera if he actually starts playing again, though...