Surprisingly enough, that article actually exists. It's not just a 12 pixel screenshot of a google search.
Unfortunately, Wayback Machine doesn't have a record of it prior to Sep 2017, so I'm still not entirely convinced about this specific development in the case.
Just very odd that IGE, Ukraine, Bannon, Trump, Putin, Renova, Columbus Nova, Kronos, IS ALL CONNECTED !
this is pretty much what Mueller wants to find, the source of the money.
we stumbled upon it like the true assberger savants we are, here as the only eq community that matters on the web
Holy shit dudes. I'm googling around making some big ol carrie mathison wall for the funnies. I'm stumbling on some fucking insane shit right now.
So i'm at the spot where I connect the dots between bannon, ige, kronos, money laundering. Well, I stumble upon this image on google images. Dated back in 2005.
Valery Makarov
Oracle Developer at Miratech
UkraineInformation Technology and Service
This is the dude's biography - Valery L. Makarov
I then click into that picture that was hosted on google so I could link to it, well google cached it from this dude's twitter.
Just very odd that IGE, Ukraine, Bannon, Trump, Putin, Renova, Columbus Nova, Kronos, IS ALL CONNECTED !
this is pretty much what Mueller wants to find, the source of the money.
we stumbled upon it like the true assberger savants we are, here as the only eq community that matters on the web
Around the Ragefire/Lockjaw time Holly was heavily involved in the EQ scene, like she was literally in long email chains with top guild leaders. They instituted a mandatory guild rotation for all TLP guilds but said we needed to develop the rules as a community and they would just enforce them. The strategy we developed was to make the rotations as stupid and unwieldy as possible to burn out all the staff micro managing the playerbase. It worked and about a month after that they abandoned the rotations and she stopped interacting with our playerbase as much.
You guys have Holly all wrong. She's a great person and truly gives a shit about EQ.