SOE Becomes Daybreak / Russian shutdown


Tranny Chaser
I had completely forgotten about the Fae (and the evil Fae) until it was just mentioned. I remember coming back to the game in a big way right around the time the Odus expansion was released because...well I've always liked Erudin. Anyway I recall thinking "why on earth would they make this race? Who in their right mind would play one?" when I saw them on the character creation screen. Proceed to login and there are faeries all over the fucking place.


Trakanon Raider
Honestly, I don't know the entire truth of Georgeson but I do know where ever he was, quality decline was sure to follow. It was noticeable in EQ, it was horribly noticeable in EQII, and what did we get with anything he paraded after those titles? He may have always been doing his job and as he was told but in all appearances he was a snake in the grass. The only people that really had anything positive to say about him were those who equated his interviews and some called it "enthusiasm" to progress.

He's probably very good at what he does... but to me his job is to distract you while the ship sinks. He's going to tell you what you want to hear. He's going to respond to your tweets, post your pics, and make you feel warm and fuzzy. However, while people fall into the trap, your game is dying and core problems are never being addressed and band-aid after band-aid is being applied.


Trakanon Raider
Hello, Norrathians!

As you've likely heard by now, there's been some changes around here in staff. I want to assure you though that this team is still in full-time dev and operation mode, and we continue to have awesome plans for EQ2. We're shuffling a few things about, but our goals in delivering fun stuff won't change. For example, in a couple of weeks we'll be releasing rare bosses for the AoM dungeons and more. We're tinkering a bit so I apologize for the silence and certainly any concerns or worry it may have caused you.

We'll have more news as we rip along here doing what we do and what we love - which is keeping our world busy and alive for our incredible community of players. Above all, we are grateful for your continued support and love of the game.

I would really like to hear from everyone and chat with you about all of this which is why we'll be hosting a Twitch livestream on Wednesday, Feb. 18 at 3pm at The team looks forward to having you tune in so we can address any questions you may have.

Thanks and see you in game!

Holly Longdale
Executive Producer, EverQuest & EverQuest II
Did know Holly was EP of EQ? Thought it was EQII only?

Edit: Guess her EQ Update answered my question....


Trakanon Raider
Hail to all in Norrath!

As many of you know we had a challenging week as we repositioned our company for the long term. I apologize it's been quiet and I know there have been concerns. First, let me say, this game and this team are busy planning and scheming - just as this team always has. Our focus is you and fun, and the future.

Also, as you may have deduced, I'm very honored to now work with the team and all of you as the executive producer. I have some big shoes to fill! I can already say..holy cow, this team takes no prisoners! We've already had lengthy chats and their passion for you all and the game is really unequaled. I can guarantee they remain "all-in" and we are forming the future of EQ based on all the feedback and input received over the years.

A bit about me and EQ. EQ was the first game I ever worked on and there was no better learning experience in game design and community. I started as an EQ player in 1999 and was a raider on Fennin Ro and then merged with Druzzil Ro. I was one of the first raiding beastlords and would two-box with my dark elf wizard (Woot)! I can't tell you how amazing it is that I get to work with a lot of the same devs. It really speaks volumes about the dedication and love these devs have for EQ. And I love it too!

I'm in the ramp-up phase (again!), but I can tell you that more content is coming with our February update at the end of the month that will include the new player-designed missions in the 16th Anniversary Events starting on March 16. There are new marketplace items you asked for, bug fixes, and more. As for the future, including expansion plans, we're reviewing everything together to be sure we're doing the right content for the game and you all. As soon as we nail down some stuff, we'll share it asap.

Bear with me as this hummie druid gets her feet wet and we'll all dive in together.

What I'd really love is to hear from everyone directly and chat about all of this. To have an opportunity to do this, we'll be hosting a Twitch livestream on Wednesday, February 18 at 2pm PT at The team looks forward to having you tune in so we can address any questions you may have!

Thank you for the continued support! See you in game!

Holly Longdale
Executive Producer, EverQuest & EverQuest II
Everquest Update from Holly.... I wonder who has been meeting with all these guys from Nova? Or DayBreak? Who's steering this ship at the offices now?


Trakanon Raider
Don't really know her. Good thing or bad thing?
She's always been pretty cool. The problem is she isn't ultimately in charge and probably just going to keep moving forward leaving a trail of broken game play and features behind her.

Just going by past conversations with her, I think she knows the problem but i'm not sure there's any hope for the current EQ games.


Trakanon Raider
I sense a giant butterfly raid mob in our future


ResetEra Staff Member
Holly Longdale is one of the most awesome people I've ever talked to from SOE. Glad she's in charge of the franchise now.


Trakanon Raider
Holly Longdale is one of the most awesome people I've ever talked to from SOE. Glad she's in charge of the franchise now.
Not sure what she can do with EQ/EQ2 at this point but I would love to know her plans. They need to take a look backwards and make some major changes. There's little hope of probably any of us playing either game again but I would sub and kick around time to time if they would change just a couple of things.

I would love to play a true, "licensed" classic server. No new Freeport or any of the crap. Spin up a classic server that will stay classic and spin up a progression server that stops at PoP. Do expansions every 3-6 months and then possibly merge the classic to the PoP server when needed. I honestly think they would generate enough response to load up 2 servers of each.

EQII, just fix the abilities and hotbars....

Ok, I have to quit beating this horse... it's been dead for years.


ResetEra Staff Member
Not sure what she can do with EQ/EQ2 at this point but I would love to know her plans. They need to take a look backwards and make some major changes. There's little hope of probably any of us playing either game again but I would sub and kick around time to time if they would change just a couple of things.

I would love to play a true, "licensed" classic server. No new Freeport or any of the crap. Spin up a classic server that will stay classic and spin up a progression server that stops at PoP. Do expansions every 3-6 months and then possibly merge the classic to the PoP server when needed. I honestly think they would generate enough response to load up 2 servers of each.

EQII, just fix the abilities and hotbars....

Ok, I have to quit beating this horse... it's been dead for years.
From what I recall, she's the one that pushed for short term things that would benefit EQ2.
Like the Gold Member benefits (at the time) such as 15% exp, extra currency item drops, etc. Stuff other companies were doing that did a F2P/P2P hybrid MMO like EQ2 is, but EQ2 wasn't doing. She also actually plays EQ1/EQ2 in her spare time so she sees a lot of the complaints and attempts to remedy them with what power she has. It's not like she was Georgeson who didn't actually play EQ1/EQ2 and just listened to financials.

Now she's in an executive producer position with a company that's managed by new investors. I'll be interested to see what she comes up with because she's actually really bright. She doesn't raid anymore but she isn't lying when she mentioned she actually played the games, and quite competitively too.


EQOA Refugee
Yeah EQ2 has seriously bad ability bloat. Any more than 2-3 hotbars is nuts! Playing an enchanter was painful. Literally.


Molten Core Raider
fuck that bitch right in her ass, when we were reflagging way back when, we helped flag another guild because well, why the fuck not. and i had to summon like 100 corpses, the necros just decided to NOT log in that day, fuckers! ill never forget!


Trakanon Raider
I don't know how PoP was my favorite expansion because when I think back to the misery it put me through, I don't understand how I just didn't break things or just quit playing all together. Somehow or another, we had a blast through the whole thing.

Stuff that comes to mind...
Rathe obviously was broken forever...
We had a terrible time with Corinav as well.. can't remember if that was broken or it was just us.
For some reason Fennin was tough at first but we took him down pretty well. I liked that encounter.
Xeg was miserable
I remember doing Bert so many times because we realized at that part in the game we needed more dedicated people so we flagged and flagged. I'm just glad we did it at that point and wasn't too deep into the game.
Then there was Quarm... that just took what seemed ages. That guy kept me so frustrated.... I was so happy when he finally died.