Vyemm Raider
If we remade the original star wars today some of you guys would be LOSING your shit. Leia is a princess in a dress but now she has a blaster slaying trained combat troops and shit talks the two male leads constantly?!?!?! SJW FEMINAZI BULLSHIT! Mon Mothma?!?! A WOMAN is in charge? SJW FEMINAZI BULLSHIT! Rabble Rabble Rabble.
Again from a guy that has star wars tattoos on his fucking head, some of you assholes take this shit WAY to seriously.
I'll let you in on a secret. Listen close, Big Screamfeeder. If you follow my advice, you can MAGICALLY transform any of the STRONG EMPOWERED WOMEN into palatable characters for western (and foreign) audiences.
Make them sexy (feminine). Give the audience fan service.


Oh shit, we cracked the fucking code.
Why aren't movies doing this anymore?
Because Feminists complained.
This one simple trick that connects male and female audiences to BIG STRONG EMPOWERED FEMALE CHARCTERS?
Show them as beautiful, feminine, and emotionally vulnerable at times. That way your audience will give a shit about them and, I can't believe I'm man-splaining this, ROOT for them when they act heroically.
And maybe, just maybe, you don't have every female character on screen be the same personality type. Because it's hard to tell characters apart when they're all identical.
I think that's called... wait, hold on... diversity?
No way.
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