its not heavyhanded SJW, its actually an entertaining film, L3-37 the robot was my favorite part. reminded me a little of Marvin in Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy.I still haven't seen this. Maybe I should download it.
what was kiddy about Luke witnessing the only parents he ever knew turned into smouldering skeletons? seriously?
how about Leia's home planet getting BTFO in front of her eyes?C'mon. You chose the most extreme example from the OG trilogy. Compared to Rogue One - the darkest of all the SW films. Where all the main characters die.
I still haven't seen this. Maybe I should download it.
how about Leia's home planet getting BTFO in front of her eyes?
how about Lukes mentor killed?
when they had young Indy in the beginning of the Last crusade played by RIver Phoenix, i was completely fine with it.This movie just got BTFO cuz of Last Jedi. Movie is decent and kind of disappointing we won't get a sequel. The Han Solo actor was passable, tbh there wasn't ever going to be an actor people were happy with.
how about vader's last scene?Only Obi Wan getting off'ed compares in any way. Who gives a fuck about a planet where we met absolutely zero of the people who live there? Zero emotional investment. Yoda just died because dude was old.
Just watched this last night because I was bored. I enjoyed it for being a SW movie. Better than the other swill they released. I would put this one right behind Rogue One but way above the new main story movies.
I kind ow wish they would go all dark with these SW movies but that will never happen, you just have to accept that this franchise is pretty much meant for kids, and if you look at these movies through that lens, they do a good job.
I just think they would do better catering to the true SW fans, people like you and I, which saw the originals when we were kids. To be quite honest you would think that todays kids would give a shit, but just from what my kids (now teens) think of the entire SW thing, they could give 2 shits. Its not the same to them as it was to us back in the 80s.
Its just too cheesy even for todays kids. Which are used to other more "adult" action and other type films.
'Solo' Score Disqualified From the Oscars Because Someone Forgot to Submit It
Half-assed the whole way down.
MCM is not an all female company. The lead engineer was a man. This is all information that can be found without great difficulty. But you're chuk, so I guess that's par for the course. Why don't you save this stupid shit for your circlejerks?