Craigi think my favorite part of the episode was the mayor outing clyde and clyde's WTF expression.
Let me guess, you live in the Lofts at the Villas at sodosopa?too bad they didn't work in a bit about how the land kenny's family is on is worth millions now but the city won't let him sell it or something
trite episode, felt like matt and trey just got mad about how much they just spent at an urban restaurant and whole foods and made a really boring episode about it. didn't really have any sort of the over the top commentary that marks the great episodes. continuity is pretty cool though, but without any real cartman or garrison the continuity isn't meaningful
what i don't understand is how can ppl eat there, like a fucking meal, it doesn't make sense. I live right next door to a whole foods, just yesterday at the register, there was a tray with a bowl and some macaroni salad thing in front of me. This guy actually just got a bowl of mac, put it on a tray and a drink and the cashier took the bowl off the tray and weighed it. 16bucks for the whole meal! wtf. Then he proceeded to walk out the whole foods and sit outside to eat.This is actually pretty relevant to me as they've been fucking doing this "So" shit to neighborhoods in my city recently. My neighborhood was already named but the fucking jerkoff hipsters gave it a "So" name (though it's fucking north of downtown). So now instead of uber rich white people and poor black people in the same area like we liked it, we have a bunch of dirty tattoo'd fixie riders living nearby. Gross. They're even building a fucking 7 story apartment building seemingly in the middle of nowhere.
I laughed hardest at people riding bikes/skateboarding/walking their dog in Whole Foods. I've never stepped foot in one, but I imagine that's not too uncommon.
Fools and their money are soon parted.what i don't understand is how can ppl eat there, like a fucking meal, it doesn't make sense. I live right next door to a whole foods, just yesterday at the register, there was a tray with a bowl and some macaroni salad thing in front of me. This guy actually just got a bowl of mac, put it on a tray and a drink and the cashier took the bowl off the tray and weighed it. 16bucks for the whole meal! wtf. Then he proceeded to walk out the whole foods and sit outside to eat.
Be careful! People here will neg you for not thinking the last three episodes were the funniest things ever on television and easily the greatest South Park episodes of all time! You must not criticize this show in the least!Fools and their money are soon parted.
I really like their message. I just don't think the episodes are funny for the most part. Randy and the Nonono is /chuckle worthy maybe. The Shitty Wok ad was the same. The whole foods guy. Predictable I guess? Not really funny though. I guess I've seen this like everyone else and the phenomenon isn't exactly funny to me. While its humorous on occasion it's more "heh" funny but not lol funny like Craig's mom's bush and people using drones to spy that was fucking gold. This is shit by comparison.
Maybe if Butters was forced to date Jenner out of some PC peer pressure. Some fun can be had with that. Cartman, where the fuck is cartman? They kind of had something with Garrison in the second episode, I'm sure it will come back but man its hard to find funny shit, really funny shit in 1 and 3 for me.
If I hear speech about Kyle one more time I'm going to rage. I mean its cool to setup something but 2.5 episodes of nothing is kind of lame. Its like they have half the season as setup to some punchline that I'm not even sure I'll care about once it comes. They've made everything so one dimensional.