Randy fought to get the Whole Foods which happened to go into ShiPaTown. Once the Whole Foods went in SoDoSoPa turned back into the slummy ghetto so it is logical to think that Randy then petitioned for the gentrification of ShiPaTown.There is a mistake in that scene, they accuse Randy of creating shipatown and he admits it. He created sotosopa, the shitty wok guy made up shipatown in retaliation. (Or was it ctpatown?)
That shit will never get old.Another great episode. Jenner's driving had me in stitches.
They aren't saying anything.I don't get it. If Leslie is a native advertisement, and PC principle is adblock, stopping her from talking before she even says anything... are they saying safespaces are adblock and adblock is bad because it stops you from experiencing new ideas and sales pitches you didn't want to see?