Being Poor Sucks.
- 13,579
- 42,286
I loved the first half of this season, but man did it go into the shitter fast after the election. Sure it still had a couple of good moments afterwards, but they were the exception.
The Danish song is legit awesome, but I don't get the whole thing with the leader being some random non-Danish dude? Just having the Danish leader just being a troll on his own would have been fine I think. Loved the member berries but they never showed what the endgame was. Turd Sandwich plot line just completely disappeared on a cliffhanger. Gerald practically getting a free ride out of all his bullshit trolling all season was fucking stupid. They just had no idea what to do after Trump won it seems. The reverse psychology bit was funny at least.
Memberberries = Trump supporters. That scene at the end where Kyle is talking and Garrison sits down at his desk and you see all the memberberries there in columns like an army.
"Because we've all seen what happens when the twitters facebooks and trolls decide our reality."