For those doubting it's Starlink, you must consider these key facts:
DD: Starlink
I know many people are doubting it's Starlink, and I don't blame them. Hell, I was one of them for the longest time until it started making sense.
I think we need to point out the key facts here, and really see how they can be disputed or just set aside as if they aren't anything:
- Starlink recently became an LLC.. "Starlink Services LLC"
- Elon has indicated Starlink will definitely IPO at some point, sure he's hinted at "years" but that's his intentions. Why make it an LLC? An LLC cannot IPO, period.
- Elon's Green Eggs & SPAC tweet which suggests he may not originally like SPACs, but has now changed his tune
- Almost all space stocks have merged via SPAC because of their forward looking revenue statements not being compatible with a normal IPO or Direct Listing. It's obvious because of the LLC formation, Elon hinting he wants Starlink to "eventually" go public, and him warming up to SPACs that Starlink will in fact go public via a SPAC merger.
- Assuming we are in agreement about Starlink going public via SPAC, what other SPAC is big enough to make that happen? That's right, as Bill said, "We are the only game in town". There's simply no other SPAC that fits the Starlink mold than PSTH
- Bill has mentioned many times he admires Elon Musk during interviews, even ones about PSTH. Why has he not said a single peep about Elon since? Please, find me a single reference to Elon, SpaceX, Starlink, even Tesla since September/October.
- Go look on Bill's Twitter feed. Dude used to like Elon's tweets, in fact a couple of his recent ones were early last year before PSTH IPOd and he hasn't liked a single tweet since. All of Bill's recent interviews, even the recent one at Wharton, Elon's name didn't come up a single time. Very interesting.
- Bill reached out to Elon last year about moving Tesla HQ to Texas, and Elon didn't reply... But Bill definitely wanted to work with him then as well. He hasn't tweeted Elon since. Bill doesn't strike me as a quitter. He clearly has shown and discussed interest in working with Elon.
- SpaceX had $6B in oversubscribed investment money for their recent round of funding. Yet, they only accepted less than $1B, leaving $5B on the table. Why is that? Could it be the other $5B will be used to aquire Starlink in a RMT (reverse morris trust) so that SpaceX gets the $5B (which they obviously need/want) then Starlink merges into PSTH? Nah... "It's not Starlink, no evidence!"

- Starlink LLC filings literally right after the SpaceX round of funding, around the same time PSTH 2 is registered, showing confidence in a PSTH sequel post-DA.
- Once again I'll reiterate... Why did the Elon likes, tweets, mentions, etc stop with Bill in the last few months?
SpaceX is breaking off Starlink, which decided to go LLC which means it cannot IPO or Direct List. Elon has warmed up to SPACs, which all space companies use to go public. SpaceX rejected $5B in additional funding, and Bill has been very hush hush about Elon although last year he was all about liking his tweets, tweeting directly, and name dropping in interviews.