<Bronze Donator>
- 2,840
- 3,155
On high vol stuff, you really need to way out of the money unless you don't mind losing it. It's like my KO, I go close because I don't care of I lose it.
I honestly set my CCs to the price i'd want to sell or not mind selling/taking profit at. Just the whole 20/20 hindsight and greed gets to me when it actually works out lol. "oh I lost my CCIV at 39 a share, wish I set my CC for 50 strike instead!" when I know damn well i'd of probably stop lossed that shit when I saw it approaching 40 anyways.
Can't have it both ways, unfortunately.
Same thing is almost surly going to happen to my Overstock shares this Friday. They sat around 60s forever, I sell CCs on them for 90 strike and that shit is pushing 110 now. /shrug Can I bitch at selling at 30ish a share gain? Especially when I still have a shit ton of margin to pay down??? No.
My Nividia may or may not get called, that one has dipped a tad down again.
I suppose thats the skinny of it all. When you got margin, you can either sell some shit now! or get aggressive with the CCs and get forced to sell. Maybe subconsciously I need my hand forced since by nature I'm a hold-in-hopes-of MOON holder.
Speaking of that, I had to sell the KMB stock I bought on your tip. It was the most boomer thing I may have been holding and that margin call came so...
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