RSVA merging with Enovix. Huge pop on the news. Battery maker.
havent heard of RSVA at all. seems like it just flew under the radar
RSVA merging with Enovix. Huge pop on the news. Battery maker.
Lots do. There are like 400+ active SPACs I think. It really is mostly a crap shoot. Its why I tend to focus on on "tech" ones. Better chance of an EV merger and jackpot.havent heard of RSVA at all. seems like it just flew under the radar
havent heard of RSVA at all. seems like it just flew under the radar
Valuation. Tons of SPAC investors don't understand the PIPE and what it does to share dilution.cciv / lucid merger announced and it tanked, lol
tomorrow will be interesting for holders
Also the after hours volume is really low, only 1 million on a stock that routinely breaks 60m, so sounds like a lot of smaller retail investors selling
Mr. Market is a bad motherfucker and gives no fucks.Many people are learning valuable lessons today. All these inexperienced tards who ran from GME to SPACs buying at $60-70 based on rumors are bathing in the cleansing fires of reality. May the NAV gods bless them.
At least VLDR appears to have stopped the bleeding after hours. HeyFogel how bad did you eat VLDR?
This is the shit I talk about with Black Swans. Who would have thought the CEO and his wife would get booted? They still keep seats due to their shares but still. Some shit you just cant model.
What strike did you sell the call at?My 22.50 put was at 1.75 so my cost basis is 20.50 a share. I got 1.50 for my covered calls today so down 1$ so far. Probably didn't help for it to happen on such a red day.