There were rumors about him being announced first as Oberhauser for a while.So is Waltz Blofield, or is that still just an assumption?
The Mail suggests Waltz will be introduced via subterfuge as a character called Franz Oberhauser, "son of the late Hans Oberhauser, a ski instructor who acted as a father figure to Bond". However, he will later be revealed as Blofeld.
Yup. Now everything must be like that, it's like the new trend.I think that is a symptom of movies in general. Dark and gritty or bust!
a big reason was the austin powers movie apparentlyI know I'm probably in a minority here, but I've never been a fan of the newer bond films. For me, Goldeneye was the last good one. What I loved about the old films is that they (mostly) didn't take themselves too seriously, and had a lot of tongue in cheek humour. Starting with Pierce Brosnan (after Goldeneye) and especially with Daniel Craige, the films seem to have taken on a tone of "serious business!" that makes them even more unbelievable than before, and far less fun.
QoS, the stadium scene was the only memorable scene...but for the coming full circle, I think that was the point as the first 3 movies starting with Craig are "unofficial" reboot-but they areMy favorite Bond movies are the Sean Connery ones, even though they are somewhat dated by today's standard.
I liked the first few Roger Moore ones, but they quickly became way too campy and ridiculous.
I actually enjoyed the Timothy Dalton ones too.
I didn't like Pierce Brosnan as Bond, but some of his movies were quite good...Goldeneye being his best.
Daniel Craig is my 2nd favorite Bond after Connery. Casino Royale and Skyfall were very good, Quantum of Solace was a bit of a disapointment.
What I liked about Skyfall was the ending, which looked like it came full circle to where he started with the Sean Connery movies.
Now with Spectre in the picture again, I hope we'll see something in the tone of the Connery movies but more modern. That would make me happy.