At the beginning of the movie especially I found the framerate to be incredibly distracting to the point where it was almost painful to watch. I did get used to it, though, and by the end it seemed much smoother.I thought the movie was great and the animation look was awesome. The thing that really bothered me was the fps the movie was shot in. I know what they were going for but it felt like playing a PC game and getting shitty framerate in some spots.
At the beginning of the movie especially I found the framerate to be incredibly distracting to the point where it was almost painful to watch. I did get used to it, though, and by the end it seemed much smoother.
Loved the movie overall. Did have a couple of nitpicks, though:
Why did Gwen feel the need to make up a name when she meets Miles? There's literally no reason for her not to just introduce herself as Gwen, especially since that's almost certainly what the other students and teachers have been calling her, and the name has no association for Miles anyway.
I was really happy that Spider-Ham was featured, but a bit disappointed in the execution. The original design was more angular while the redesign just looks like Porky Pig in a Spider Man outfit. And yes, the original comics were silly and aimed at kids but they still told stories that had an internal logic and didn't resort to cartoon clichés like pulling random mallets out of the air.
And while the presence of Spider-Ham, Manga Spider Man and Noir Spider Man added to the fun, none of them really got to contribute much of anything. I would have liked to see at least a basic set up about what makes them unique that leads to a payoff where their particular abilities or characteristics end up making a difference.
While I'm at it, is getting bit by radioactive spiders just a thing that can happen to anyone at any time in Miles' universe? And why did Miles get the standard Spidey powers as well as electric powers and invisibility? What do those powers have to do with spiders anyway?
Again, those are just nitpicks and overall I really enjoyed the movie.
At the beginning of the movie especially I found the framerate to be incredibly distracting to the point where it was almost painful to watch. I did get used to it, though, and by the end it seemed much smoother.
Loved the movie overall. Did have a couple of nitpicks, though:
Why did Gwen feel the need to make up a name when she meets Miles? There's literally no reason for her not to just introduce herself as Gwen, especially since that's almost certainly what the other students and teachers have been calling her, and the name has no association for Miles anyway.
I was really happy that Spider-Ham was featured, but a bit disappointed in the execution. The original design was more angular while the redesign just looks like Porky Pig in a Spider Man outfit. And yes, the original comics were silly and aimed at kids but they still told stories that had an internal logic and didn't resort to cartoon clichés like pulling random mallets out of the air.
And while the presence of Spider-Ham, Manga Spider Man and Noir Spider Man added to the fun, none of them really got to contribute much of anything. I would have liked to see at least a basic set up about what makes them unique that leads to a payoff where their particular abilities or characteristics end up making a difference.
While I'm at it, is getting bit by radioactive spiders just a thing that can happen to anyone at any time in Miles' universe? And why did Miles get the standard Spidey powers as well as electric powers and invisibility? What do those powers have to do with spiders anyway?
Again, those are just nitpicks and overall I really enjoyed the movie.
Yeah I wasn’t sure about the invisibility and electricity also. Was kind of assuming it was just a side effect of Kingpin’s machine and they went away when everything was zapped back in alignment. But maybe it is a comic thing, no idea.
Also agree with your other points. They were cool side characters, Manga Spider chick contributed more than Noir or Ham.
This was really cool and enjoyable. Hate that I missed it in theaters.
Pretty sure it was explained in the comics that there were actually multiple different spiders than the one that bit Peter. So his different abilities are attributed to that.
the afterglow is wanting me to say it’s ever so slightly better than IW.
I was talking to the missus about this after we watched it. I said the SJWs think we have a problem with lack of diversity so they “brownwash” established characters without making them unique. Nobody liked Miles when he was introduced and it was attributed to racism. I’d be surprised if anyone didn’t LOVE Miles from this movie. He’s not a brown Peter Parker, he’s Mile Morales and he’s awesome because of it.The treatment of the characters was just so good in this movie, especially Miles. Having him sing to himself to calm down and release his spider grip on the ceiling, him saying "Thanks New York" when they hit the ground and everyone just walks all over them instead of going aroudn, and him giving the "what's up" nod to the kid in the train while the snowman face is smearing across are all places that really stand out in subsequent viewings.
I was talking to the missus about this after we watched it. I said the SJWs think we have a problem with lack of diversity so they “brownwash” established characters without making them unique. Nobody liked Miles when he was introduced and it was attributed to racism. I’d be surprised if anyone didn’t LOVE Miles from this movie. He’s not a brown Peter Parker, he’s Mile Morales and he’s awesome because of it.