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Spiderman Homecoming is a pretty fun movie. i dont know if you can count Men In Black in there. probably not.Other than Spider-Man 1 and 2, what’s a good super hero movie Sony has made?
Homecoming was a joint project and arguably, without Disney/Marvel interference it wouldn't have been anywhere near as good.Spiderman Homecoming is a pretty fun movie. i dont know if you can count Men In Black in there. probably not.
oh and Punsher War Zone is off the hook.
fuck Rotten Tomatoes, that movie is decent. if you havent checked out War Zone yet, its definitely worth your time. they picked a woman to direct it and thought it would be a more sympathetic type of movie. what the studio didnt know is she instead went to the Punisher message boards and asked fans what they wanted to see in a Punisher movie. they gave her a list of badassery and she pretty much wrote it all down and put it in the film. its glorious.Homecoming was a joint project and arguably, without Disney/Marvel interference it wouldn't have been anywhere near as good.
Men in black isn't a superhero movie, so no, I wouldn't count that.
And War-Zone? Really? So even if we did say their last good Super Hero movie was War-Zone.... a movie that scored 28% on RT, 5.8 on IMDB, and a 30% Critic/60% User review on Meta Critic....you're citing a movie that is 14 years old as "Sony can make better super Heroes movies that Marvel at this point" or however you worded it.
Green Hornet
Ghost Rider
Blood Shot
War-Zone (reviews worse than Blood Shot)
This whole list is, arguably, awful. The New Venom movies are fun, but they aren't great, but it's by far Sonys best work.
Anyway, it's all subjective I suppose, but the statement comes off as silly to me.
I knew you’d say that about RT which is why I mentioned two other sites that compile multiple sources for overall scores.fuck Rotten Tomatoes, that movie is decent. if you havent checked out War Zone is definitely worth your time. they picked a woman to direct it and thought it would be a more sympathetic type of movie. what the studio didnt know is she instead went to the Punisher message boards and asked fans what they wanted to see in a Punisher movie and they gave her a list of badassery and she pretty much wrote it all down and put it in the film. its glorious.
eh no sweat. people like what they like. i enjoyed the hell out of it and i appreciated that the woman did her homework and took input from the fans and actually listened. its not perfect, but nothing is.I knew you’d say that about RT which is why I mentioned two other sites that compile multiple sources for overall scores.
and I’ve seen War Zone. I enjoyed parts of it but It’s not good lol, but again, it’s all subjective.
That has been a rampant rumor since last week. I've heard Garfield is already signed to more movies and they are fine with running two Spiderman universes in the movies...Garfield in one and universe and Holland finishing another 3 movies he was just signed to in the MCU universe concurrently now that they've established it with fans so successfully. I'm skeptical but could be interesting. I sure as hell would love to see Garfield in more movies.Here's a question though. since the Venom movies while not in the MCU, are acknowledged as part of the Multi-Verse...I wonder if we could see Garfield back at some point in their Venom movies. That might be interesting.
That has been a rampant rumor since last week. I've heard Garfield is already signed to more movies and they are fine with running two Spiderman universes in the movies...Garfield in one and universe and Holland finishing another 3 movies he was just signed to in the MCU universe concurrently now that they've established it with fans so successfully. I'm skeptical but could be interesting. I sure as hell would love to see Garfield in more movies.
fuck Rotten Tomatoes, that movie is decent. if you havent checked out War Zone yet, its definitely worth your time. they picked a woman to direct it and thought it would be a more sympathetic type of movie. what the studio didnt know is she instead went to the Punisher message boards and asked fans what they wanted to see in a Punisher movie. they gave her a list of badassery and she pretty much wrote it all down and put it in the film. its glorious.
Yup, basically a guy`s girl. There are too few of them on this planet.She basically had the same path to director as the John Wick guys. Grew up in martial arts, early adulthood was a stunt driver and fighter, then decided to get behind the camera and brought all that to bear.
Movie is just straight up ridiculous and hilariousApart from the rocket launcher blowing up the tweaker in mid air, which is comedically laughable to watch, the rest of the movie was solid A+ punisher.
Case in point the basis for which characters were being pulled into this universe being what it was, how did the character in the first post credit scene get there?
one nitpick re: the major central hook of the movie
Electro didn't know Peter Parker was Spider-man, in fact they use it as a miles morales easter egg, "I thought you were black". Electro shouldn't have been pulled into Tom Holland's universe, right?
re: Venom, I think imo they foreshadowed hard that Ned will merge with microVenom. They made a big deal of Maguire's spidey revealing that his best friend tried to kill him, and Ned telling Peter that he'll never betray him. The other option would be MJ.
I watched it a second time today since we have a lot of family over so taking kids and stuff in shifts. Its still good but not honestly as rewatchable, the great parts of the movie are the cool surprises and they aren't as interesting a second time. I haven't rewatched any of the Spider-man movies and I think this one will fall into that pile of MCU movies that I like, but don't really put into any sort of rotation.
Whereas Captain America, IM1, GOTG1, Thor 3 or really any of the Avengers movies I could rewatch over and over.
ill definitely be rewatching to catch things i missed. and at least the first half of the film is multiple rewatch worthy.one nitpick re: the major central hook of the movie
Electro didn't know Peter Parker was Spider-man, in fact they use it as a miles morales easter egg, "I thought you were black". Electro shouldn't have been pulled into Tom Holland's universe, right?
re: Venom, I think imo they foreshadowed hard that Ned will merge with microVenom. They made a big deal of Maguire's spidey revealing that his best friend tried to kill him, and Ned telling Peter that he'll never betray him. The other option would be MJ.
I watched it a second time today since we have a lot of family over so taking kids and stuff in shifts. Its still good but not honestly as rewatchable, the great parts of the movie are the cool surprises and they aren't as interesting a second time. I haven't rewatched any of the Spider-man movies and I think this one will fall into that pile of MCU movies that I like, but don't really put into any sort of rotation.
Whereas Captain America, IM1, GOTG1, Thor 3 or really any of the Avengers movies I could rewatch over and over.