Buzzfeed Editor
So rich guys get more pussy even here."The male who shared the most food engaged in more consortships and received more grooming than the other males, even the alpha male.
So rich guys get more pussy even here."The male who shared the most food engaged in more consortships and received more grooming than the other males, even the alpha male.
Yup.So rich guys get more pussy even here.
So how do you rationalize the fact that the world was far more brutal and "cold" before capitalism? Capitalism did not create this condition, rather it was formed to respond to it. It was born from an era where people were abused, died and horribly mistreated because of a family name or some connection to a mythical deity gave the monopoly of violence to some random jack ass. The fact is, and this is something even Marx admitted to--capitalism raised the standard of living in nearly every country it was implemented in. There were radical improvements in almost every metric of quality of life.
This rise in quality, in fact, is needed in order to reach Marx's utopia, in fact. This is another thing he readily admits to. The only way to form a good socialist base (Which can evolve into communism) is the higher productivity and social equality in Capitalism (Note I said higher--because as bad as capitalism's social equality can be, it's leaps and bounds better than the systems before it.)
Capitalism didn't "bury" our true nature. It merely understood out true naturewhenwe have to deal withresource scarcity. When there isn't enough to go around, we tend to be very terrible, we are brutal, cold and will disenfranchise the weak in order to reduce scarcity. Capitalism accepted that as a truth and channeled it into higher productivity by created a political-economic system that offered abstracted reward structure that controlled the normal violent byproducts of that nature and allowed for innovation and a far more fluid social mobility (Though, it's obviously got major flaws--but it IS vastly superior to systems before). If anything, Capitalism brought us one step closer to your view of human nature--and again, even Marx admits this (Capitalism is a step on his progression to Communism). However, it's only a step because as long as there is scarcity, people will be this way. That's not something Capitalism is forcing on us, it's always be present. That's why the Romans had slaves, it's why the feudal lords were assholes and why the Mongols took everyone's stuff--because people, at their core, are bad when they feel they are forced to be.
And really? "Bad" is only a perspective we view. This type of behavior in nature wouldn't be considered bad. Look at what a lion does to opposing cubs, even if he's currently mating with their mother. Nature is a cruel bitch, and we are her children. Capitalism isn't burying our "angelic inner peace", it's burying the brutal asshole that would instantly appear if he saw his children were going hungry. That "super happy" human nature you're describing only comes when people don't want anymore. Which is why people did think Marx was visionary--because he imagined that future. But a post scarcity society? It's REALLY hard to fathom. All of human existence has been defined by scarcity, heck, all of living existence on earth has been defined by it. It's the driving force of evolution, even.
Not sure what you are saying here, bro. Are you taking a position or just making a smirk statement?Awesome, this capitalism thing.
You're confused again.Commodificationis what I've been talking about, which if you haven't been paying attention or don't know, is the transformation of something or some relationship into having an ascribed market value. What economic value didn't exist beforehand now does and replaces any other. It's thetransformation.But you said that can't happen in other species. Its uniquely human, right?
Yeah that's exactly what female chimpanzees are doing. There is a market for access to their sexual favors that costs a price in fruit.You're confused again.Commodificationis what I've been talking about, which if you haven't been paying attention or don't know, is the transformation of something or some relationship into having an ascribed market value.
Again your premise would benefit from some basic research, chimpanzees do make love, and do engage in prostitution. That's the point. And the very fact that females are selling access to their sexuality for access to resources completely demolishes your trite argument that this is a human exclusive phenomena.There is no transformation of social relationships into economic ones in chimps: fucking has always been about more alpha bananas based on biological imperative. The concept of making love or prostitution however, are not the same type of relationship.
Chimpanzees sell sex for protection and access to resources, not for reproduction exclusively. Again. You no know no researchy, so you no know this to be the case.Selling your body is a form of commodification. The chimp's imperative is to reproduce, while the whore selling her ass does it for a different purpose.
transformation. TRANSFORMATIONNN....Do you science?You're confused again.Commodificationis what I've been talking about, which if you haven't been paying attention or don't know, is the transformation of something or some relationship into having an ascribed market value. What economic value didn't exist beforehand now does and replaces any other. It's thetransformation.
I'm not quite sure what your definition of making love is with regards to that video, but I'll address the prostitution.Again your premise would benefit from some basic research, chimpanzees do make love, and do engage in prostitution. That's the point. And the very fact that females are selling access to their sexuality for access to resources completely demolishes your trite argument that this is a human exclusive phenomena.
Do we not have the same imperative? Are our behaviours reflective of all conscious choices? Why do men like sex? Because they do? Come on now.I'm not quite sure what your definition of making love is with regards to that video, but I'll address the prostitution.
The chimpanzees are not 'selling' access to their body in the same way a prostitute is selling access to hers. The chimp'sunconscious imperativeis to reproduce. This imperative has existed since chimps existed, and it will continue to exist. Play-fucking or whatever that was is no different.
Lol this is a ridiculous argument. You could make the EXACT SAME ARGUMENT that ultimately, female human prostitutes SUBCONSCIOUS goal is to reproduce. Give us a break. You've stretched your analogy too far and now its falling apart and you're just throwing whatever you can at the wall to salvage some merit from a bad argument. Chimpanzees are 98% exactly the same as we are genetically, Dumar. Like it or not, homology between cultural exchanges is a relevant and very observably real phenomena, unlike the theoreticals you operate from.I'm not quite sure what your definition of making love is with regards to that video, but I'll address the prostitution.
The chimpanzees are not 'selling' access to their body in the same way a prostitute is selling access to hers. The chimp'sunconscious imperativeis to reproduce. This imperative has existed since chimps existed, and it will continue to exist. Play-fucking or whatever that was is no different.
Commodification is a transformation of a thing or activity into a market object. There is no transformation here because the same biological imperative has always existed. The whore is not following any imperative to reproduce or play-fuck, while the chimps are.
I hope that's clear.
Citation fucking required like the flaming fist of the north star. Because, in fact, both activities are exactly the same.There is no transformation here because the same biological imperative has always existed. The whore is not following any imperative to reproduce or play-fuck, while the chimps are.
Just snipping this last part because it epitomizes the post. The post was only refuting your point that Capitalism makes us worse. It most certainly doesnotmake us "worse" overall than how we were in history and it does not make us worse than any system which has thus far been implemented currently. That is not saying that therecouldn'tbe better systems but all systems can be improved upon, saying that is as silly as as rational reduction through the statement of "why". Capitalism itself has gone through multiple, highly deviated iterations that have had varying levels of success and failure, which is why the statement painted a picture of how it's improved us from previous social systems--and not a treatise on how it's the ultimate evolution of political economy.The negative impact it's having on society is now much stronger than the positive it could once take much credit for.
Everything you've described explains in great detail how we got to where we are, but in never takes into account our ability to reflect on that process itself and recognize that we can interact with it and therefore skew it towards benefiting the greatest number of people for the longest amount of time.