How are products produced in a capitalist society different from products produced in a non capitalist one?
What magical mechanism of mass productions and sale for a profit makes products reduce us to automatons and zombies, that is exclusive only to capitalist societies?
Not to mention your second question is contradictory, it asked how suppressing emotions is different from having emotions. That should be plain on its face. One is the absence or dulling of emotions, and the other is experiencing them in full force. Seems not just different, but 180 degrees opposite to me.
In a non capitalist society, if you do not produce products based on demand, but rather based on social mandate or government dictat, how will you prevent shortages of major commodities people require, such as vehicles, computers, cell phones, etc?
You use terms like products and commodities as if they only exist in modern, capitalist societies. As if a rock banging native tribe exchanging carved totems aren't engaging in the production of objects aka PRODUCTS and the exchange of them for perceived value aka MONEY. Making them...commodities. A pet rock is as much a commodity as a computer. You can't strip this away from human society. What you're essentially saying is that you want to remove the pricing mechanism we call supply and demand, but every time that has been tried, what ended up happening was that demands could no longer be met, the governments became overwhelmed, collapsed into what amounts to Mafia styled criminal states where the common people, the people you claim are mentally unfit and unhealthy and controlled and manipulated by the powers that be, end up suffering the most, and becoming literally peons on the plantation of their masters.
If you fed that pill to millions of people over a long period of time, then suddenly took it away, they would likely go clinically insane. The same with major sports: take that away from society today, tell me what happens.
Retarded edit to try and correct your contradiction is detected. So you've gone from claiming that nulling or removing emotions is the same as experiencing them in an overwhelming amount to trying to claim that what you're really talking about is control. But the most controlled and dictated societies in our world today are the ones who tried to remove the pricing mechanism of supply and demand from the greater portion of their economies. Your logic does not follow on observable evidence.
If you took sports away from people, they would just make new ones. Just like when people stopped playing cricket and started playing baseball instead. Why would anyone take sports away from people? Why do you care that people enjoy sports or video games or movies or any other type of entertainment? What's worse is that you're arguing for collectivist lifestyles, which decrying that people are able to get collective emotional fulfillment by mutually sharing in mass media entertainment events. Your entire dogma is one confused muddle.
What about these entertainment mediums makes them so unhealthy, and what alternative that would exist in your system wouldn't be subject to the same exact phenomena you decry here?
Why do you think sports are what keeps people sane?
Further, most people who are given pills are given pills because they are clinically suffering from a medical condition which requires medication in order to help stay sane, so yes, if you took away their medication, they would certainly act out. That has nothing to do with modern capitalistic society, and everything to do with their biology. People aren't bipolar because society made them that way, they're bipolar because they have a fucking physiologically based medical condition related to their genetics that leads to a chemical imbalance which causes erratic, non normative social and other behaviors. You aren't going to fix that by stripping them of football and proxac, and it isn't evidence that the entire nature of our society is fundamentally broken that people like to be entertained and have to take medication for psychological illnesses. Its a sign our society is functioning well that we're able to discern these medical issues and address them, and provide entertainment to the masses that doesn't involve mass executions in gladiatorial arenas or mass sacrificing to make the Sun come up the next morning.