Squid Game: The Challenge


<Prior Amod>
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Title: Squid Game: The Challenge

Genre: Reality

First aired: 2023-11-22

Overview: In this reality competition show inspired by "Squid Game," 456 players put their skills to the ultimate test for a life-changing $4.56 million prize.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
It felt way over produced to make as similar as possible to the show. The cut away to the minions running cameras and pressing buttons, for example. Just got annoying and was unnecessary.

Not having a “host” creates its own challenges I guess. Devil’s Plan / Genius did okay with just bandage man and a dealer.

They also found 456 of the worst possible humans. Every contestant was over the top annoying and sounded almost fake and scripted/rehearsed (more than normal at least). Almost no one I actually wanted to win.

The random eliminations I felt didn’t transfer well when death wasn’t the outcome. The show was sort of intense with that feeling of this 50/50 could get me shot in the face vs oh no I’m going to get escorted out and not win $4.5M. Oh which reminds me, having the prize increment after the eliminations was a little dumb. It was never not going to be the full amount. There was no tidk of the group not getting the full amount. It is one of the overly produced bits that was annoying.

The games were okay with the exception of a few. Marbles ended up dumb and a waste of time. Didn’t like the dice game or the schoolyard pick one.

It’d be nice if they could refine it a bit and come up with more strategy based games with less complete randomness. I’ll watch Season 2 to see if the clean anything up.


Mr. Poopybutthole
We finished it last night, and while I kept watching, but this was not a good show. Those were my exact words.

Somehow they ended up casting almost entirely gay men. And the ones that weren't seemed like the most effeminate, pathetic men I've ever seen.

I've also never seen anything so pathetic as everyone just ignoring that black woman, Ashley, and her saying "fuck your agreement" and then in the very next test throwing a fit because someone did the same thing, with the justification being that she couldn't be trusted. Typical black woman, I guess.

But the worst part of that whole thing was the 18 other people who seemingly had zero issue with it. I just about ragequit the show at that point. How can all of you pathetic fucks give her a pass? And worse, be friends with her. Side note, I hated how dramatic everyone was about their "friends." Motherfucker, you've known these people a week and it's $4.5 million. You don't care about any of these people.

Looking back at the show at this point, I feel like it's "rage click bait" in TV form.


Tranny Chaser
They also found 456 of the worst possible humans. Every contestant was over the top annoying and sounded almost fake and scripted/rehearsed (more than normal at least). Almost no one I actually wanted to win.

Wow, it's almost like every reality show for the last 22 years since the first Big brother hasn't attracted fame hungry idiots


Avatar of War Slayer
Idk, somehow the way it played made it feel a bit more contrived and setup than your normal reality show. like some interactions seemed genuine and then others way over the top and honestly very not-human like.

the black chick refusing to move was probably the most authentic thing about the show to me.


Potato del Grande
This show was fucking terrible but got so many views they have to make more of course. Each episode felt like 5 minutes of actual game and the rest endless bickering and whining.
TV show information provided by The Movie Database