Since there seems to be some confusion about just what you are in for when you buy/donate/pledge to SC, can someone give me the lowdown on the situation? I notice that you have to pay VAT on the prices for the ships and some of them dont even come with the game, they are stand-alone. Would this not indicate that you are indeed buying a product and it is in fact not a pledge/donation for the development of the game (donations are generally extempt from VAT here in Europe). I can see how the kickstarter was a pledge/donation/whatever but once they moved on to selling stuff on their own webpage it gets murky for me.
This has made the whole debate rather obscure for me.
Not sure what the question is. Is it a donation? No. You are buying the game + whatever perks come with the item/package you buy. If you buy a game "package" you get access to alpha, beta, Squadron 42, and the released version of the Persistent Universe (PU). If you are a normal person that wants to spend a small amount of money like $45.00 you get a really good deal. If you are passionate about space games and want to get pumped up and excited and feel like you are a big shot donor that's helping the game get developed, you can spend a lot more. If you spend "a lot more" you aren't getting any more game, you're just getting access to some really expensive (in the game universe) ships as soon as they're developed. In many cases that means you can fly them now in the alpha. In many other cases, that means you get an expensive GIF and can dream about it until the devs get around to putting it into the alpha.
Is there still something you need clarified? The issue that some people are upset about, even though it's been in the cards for a long time, is that due to Squadron 42's imminent release (I've heard rumblings about the end of this year), they are no longer going to bundle it with the PU game package. You'll have to buy it separately. This separation of Squadron 42 and the PU packages is slated to happen on Valentine's Day. How romantic!
So, what can you spend your money on after 2/14?
- Squadron 42 package (stand alone game, supposedly AAA)
- PU package (the "MMO" version of the space game)
- Stand alone ships ("Hey, I've got some extra cash and want to spend it on shit I'll be able to earn in game, for free, eventually!")
- Various other little things that you don't need like different weapon loadouts, skins, etc.
- Actual physical merchandise like T-shirts
- Subscription (Totally not necessary, but makes you feel like you are in a special club - you get access to special forum, and get the warm fuzzy that your subs supposedly pay for all the community outreach stuff)
As a side note, people claiming they "took a huge piece of their budget and sent it to the UK office (Foundry 42) so that they could spend it on the single player game" are very much out of touch. Squadron 42 has been a big part of the original plan since the beginning, in fact the Persistent Universe was originally a stretch goal. It's also a load of horseshit that they aren't spending at least as much money on the PU side of the game. They have teams working on netcode improvements, persistence, AI, procedural generation tech, non combat systems, multi-crew systems, etc.
I'm happy to entertain discussion and answer questions, as I spend a lot of time talking SC with friends and on forums, but I'm not going to get into a back and forth with trolls and Smartbots. Should you pledge? Up to you. Why not try it? It's still free to play until Friday.