I've put down my 50-60 dollars early on, I don't really regret it because I played it enough to get my money's worth, and if they ever release it, I'll play because why not.
I haven't really logged in, in maybe 2 years now, totally lost interest in the game.
The game, if we can call it that, looks tedious, everything seems to take too much time.
In an attempt to make a realistic simulation, they seem to totally have forgotten that games should be fun. At this point it wouldn't surprise me if they added a bathroom simulation where you need to go take a piss and shit during you game session. Also introduce asleep simulator where your character needs to sleep 6-8 hours a day, and you can't do anything while he sleeps. You try to log in, and get a message "Sorry your character is sleeping, try logging back in 2 hours and 37 minutes." and then you're kicked back to the log in screen.
It's disappointing, the initial pitch was great, the first version of the flight game showed a lot of promises and was fun for what it was...then everything snowballed in feature creep, changing all the game system, engine etc. and almost no progress was made to the core of the game that got everyone excited in the first place...the space flight aspect of it.