You severely underestimate the price of cocaine my friend. According to, the price for a pure gram of cocaine is fairly stable at 150$/gram. That would put the price of one kilogram of cocaine at 150,000$. 200 million dollar would roughly afford 1.300kg of cocaine. For the sake of argument, lets be generous and say Roberts got a great deal at 200 million dollar for 1.500kg of cocaine. Let us further assume that powdered cocaine has similar properties to regular flour. Loosely packed flour apparently comes in at 600kg/m³, meaning Roberts would be able to afford 2.5m³ of pure cocaine. As you can see in the attached graphic, this makes for a rather poor 'giant mountain' to ski on, a fact which Roberts it reported to be sad about (see the single tear shed). It's not all bad though, atleast everybody at Cloud Imperium Games can get some fresh, hot and well-brewed coffee during this cold season.