Its not Epeen. Epeen is what the raid mounts provide. That is showing off as a player capable of working within a guild to accomplish something individuals and many other groups cannot. That is Epeen. Epeen is showing off. It is not showing off if you ride a mount that cost $15.00 and anyone can buy it.Epeen is a real thing. That's why people buy mounts.
I mean maybe.Its not Epeen. Epeen is what the raid mounts provide. That is showing off as a player capable of working within a guild to accomplish something individuals and many other groups cannot. That is Epeen. Epeen is showing off. It is not showing off if you ride a mount that cost $15.00 and anyone can buy it.
It might be Epeen if the mount sold for $1000.00. I will grant you that Star Citizen did that. Wow never went that route. In a way I am kind of surprised Wow never tried a super expensive mount but then again, they never did housing.
One of the fun things I did in WoW was push and help my mount collector buddy to collect more mounts. This was before any MTX mounts, but it was fun for him just to collect them and be able to cycle through the super rare ones.That was something I never quite understood.
In WoW a player could have hundreds of mounts. As a player, you can only use one mount at a time. WoW never created housing, so you could not show off mounts in that kind of arena. Another player would never see all of your mounts, no matter how many you had, unless you chose to ride the achievement mount. Every expansion or patch introduced new mounts that did the same thing that the old mounts did. Only very select mounts were even tradeable/saleable. Only a few mounts actually came with more benefits than just increased run speed.
So why buy mounts from the store? I could understand it if they added features or if they actually added a buff to the character. All they did was look different. Its like entering a new zone. It can look awesome but after a week of seeing the zone, it is just terrain. When a person buys a car, they actually get value out of it even if they have another one. WoW mounts were not tradeable once used, so they had no value. It always amazed me how much money Blizzard made on mounts but could not be bothered to put in a Housing system where they could have printed money( 1 Billion a year would not have been an exaggeration at thier peek population) selling Housing cosmetics.
What is really funny is that you could ride past 99.99% of the player base on that mount and nobody would have a clue to its rarity. A few would even think "Newb".One of the fun things I did in WoW was push and help my mount collector buddy to collect more mounts. This was before any MTX mounts, but it was fun for him just to collect them and be able to cycle through the super rare ones.
What's funny about the mount epeen game is I spent exactly zero effort collecting mounts for non-utilitarian purposes but always felt I could terminate a bunch of mount rarity contests by popping my original epic mount (Black Ram) that was only available for a few months and was pretty expensive to get at release so a lot of people prioritized other stuff and never got it, and other people traded it in (foolishly) for the more dramatic looking mounts.
I don’t fucking understand, they raise $15M in November.
I think it's transmog fags, and they are buying them waiting for their shiny Star Citizen ship lolEpeen is a real thing. That's why people buy mounts.
Yeah I call shenanigans on all of that. I'm sure some autists have pieced together the number of active players in the game, and I bet that there are only a thousand that play every day with a bunch of people watching the game casually and jumping in every few patches to laugh and quit immediately.New ship go Vrooom (or cha-ching)... and breaks the record for 1 day income (28Nov2020)...
"The Perseus is available from $600 Warbond with LTI, $675 Store Credit with 10 years insurance"
It is a "sub-capital" ship, so...
View attachment 320792
View attachment 320793
I need to sell you a concept (am grill, send monies):
Actually for me, its completely believable they are still raking in cash. Just researching the game and seeing how pretty it is and how amazing the systems sound, made me want to buy a ship just to be ready for the off chance it gets completed. And that's with me being an extreme jaded MMO vet who has seen enough pretty vapor ware to know this shit is probably going to go no where.
People who haven't been fucked by MMOs their whole life are going to get absolute fleeced just by how amazing the youtube content on this game is. (Seriously, I spent a couple hours listening to some E-architect doing fucking virtual ship reviews--and was entertained. This shit is like crack. Its promising literally everything I want in an MMO--if there was even a 10% chance I felt like this would get off the ground, I'd have bought in. Fortunately years of disappointment have left me a husk of negativity and largely immune to the hope of its potential.)
We almost got Privateer Online, and I guarantee that would've been at least 334 million times better than whatever SC ultimately becomes.I dreamed of a freelancer that was expansive, like GTA in space, but DEEPER.
One of the fun things I did in WoW was push and help my mount collector buddy to collect more mounts. This was before any MTX mounts, but it was fun for him just to collect them and be able to cycle through the super rare ones.
What's funny about the mount epeen game is I spent exactly zero effort collecting mounts for non-utilitarian purposes but always felt I could terminate a bunch of mount rarity contests by popping my original epic mount (Black Ram) that was only available for a few months and was pretty expensive to get at release so a lot of people prioritized other stuff and never got it, and other people traded it in (foolishly) for the more dramatic looking mounts.
Its more than mounts here. The ships actually (Theoretically) work within functional systems. So a ship with a shower and toilet will keep your hygiene up, a ship with a galley can keep a crew's food/drink meter up. The size of your equipment matters so storage matters--and things are local so you need a ship to actually transport things (If you have a ton of money in one bank, its not in another sector--you have to risk transporting the credits).So basically it's like buying those ridiculous microtransaction WoW mounts but WoW is never going to launch?
Yeah I don't know how you could beat the Black AQ mount. It represents a massive amount of coordinated effort from an entire focused into one individual who has, for whatever reason, been chosen for the honor of having that mount. In my guild's case the person was one of the star players and a key member of the guild's culture and raid force.Black AQ mount>All. The epeen flex on that was massive, still remember crashing our server ringing that damn gong.
Just Star Citizen things...
Did they spend money making a cinematic for a patch to an unreleased game?
...for a DLC?
...for a Space Lesbian animated TV show?
Just Star Citizen things...
Did they spend money making a cinematic for a patch to an unreleased game?
...for a DLC?
...for a Space Lesbian animated TV show?