Star Citizen Online - The search for more money


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
They fixed Cyberpunk for the most part. It is indeed a much better game than what it was at release.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
They fixed Cyberpunk for the most part. It is indeed a much better game than what it was at release.
Objectively so with the expansion. But I didnt think it was a piece of shit at release. Not at all. Buggy? No more than a Bethesda game by comparison. The only real fuck up was that they were releasing on prior gen consoles. Instead of being genuine about it, media ran with the bigger story that the game ran like pure shit. Which was by all accounts was overwhelmingly wrong. When the game came out, I was still using the GTX 970 ... and it ran at around 40-50 FPS. Not amazing, but we were talking about a what.. a 6 or 7 year old mid-to-low range video card at that point. CP2077 is the only game that makes my strix 4090 work its ass off at the highest of settings, though.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Folks who didn't play witcher 1&2 when they came out thought the company was just banging out Witcher 3s and set expectations too high
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I never played Cyberpunk 2077. If I remember correctly, it was an over-inflated piece of cow dung at launch. Is it any better now?
(The triple A gaming market has been a total dissapointment in the past 3-5 years, so I'm more or less on the A or AA games mostly)

Your memory is faulty.

It wasnt even that bad at launch(some obvious issues like Traffic/car AI, ragdoll glitches, loot bugs etc), as long as you were on PC and not one of older consoles. Which is probably all you remember, since that was the main story for the entire launch, how horrible it ran on ps4/xbox.

It is much better now, even more so with mods and the DLC. I would definitely recommend it.
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<Silver Donator>
Folks who didn't play witcher 1&2 when they came out thought the company was just banging out Witcher 3s and set expectations too high
I never got through the first Witcher. I tried a couple of times but I just can't do it. It's kind of fun but it just gets to be a slog. I didn't care about the story, and the game hasn't aged well. The second one was okay but it still had its problems, but neither of them are even in the same ballpark as the third.

So you're absolutely right, the company hasn't been pooping out stellar games throughout their entire time in business.
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Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
I never played Cyberpunk 2077. If I remember correctly, it was an over-inflated piece of cow dung at launch. Is it any better now?
(The triple A gaming market has been a total dissapointment in the past 3-5 years, so I'm more or less on the A or AA games mostly)
No idea either (it's not my kind of game), although it had hilariously bad bugs on console. The first expansion-slash-dlc improved it a bit, I hear, but not enough to warrant more; CDPR has stopped all work on the game. All I know for the game itself is that it has Keanu Reeves and some popular Rule34 sources.

But that glorious moment in a trailer where you spot the "now in beta" ad plastered on a giant skyscraper is chef's kiss.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Anyhow, did they finish the RSI line of ships yet they promised they'd flesh out first? Can we fly the Apollo yet?