Star Citizen Online - The search for more money


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Yeah, which is why I am glad I could get to use one before buying. I won't invest in one even if I end up liking better until the game is closer to release and the persistent universe is in beta at least.

I like what's available well enough for now, and the game goals are pretty cool...and I loved my goal is to become a trader/explorer type. So until I can see how viable and fun that is...and if I think it will hold my interest for a long time. I'm not gonna invest in a peripheral just for this game.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I've been able to play Arena Commander just fine. It takes a little bit of patience but not a lot.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Initial impression, about 2 hours of using the X52 Pro.

First, it's a nice piece of hardware...lots bigger than I expected.

Second, it's confusing as hell to learn what all the buttons do. I'm using the default configuration since it seems to be a bit complicated to remap stuff.

Third, it's extremely fun to fly with it. I enjoy it a lot more, it's more intuitive.

Fourth, as far as I can tell you totally lose the use of gimbal weapons, they act as fixed weapons. That's a pretty big loss...and affects targeting a lot. Other than that though, I don't feel that it is harder to aim than with a mouse and keyboard. So if I equipped my ship with nothing but fixed weapon, I feel the X52 would be superior to mouse+keyboard. On a ship with a lot of gimbal weapons it would be inferior. I am honestly not familiar with the balance between all the weapons to say if gimbal vs fixed is balanced or not, but that seems to be the biggest issue.

Last, not exactly game related...but you need a lot of room on your desk for this setup, and I am guessing you'll need more when the FPS module is out, or the full game and you need to switch between mouse+keyboard for FPS and X52 for flight...although it probably won't be that frequent in a play-session...and load time are long enough that you can move everything, but still it takes a lot of room. Also, the USB cable is on the throttle which is to my left side...and my computer is to my right side...cable is kinda short which is really annoying.

All in all, it definitely seems to be the way I'll be going if they balance everything nicely, but as I said I'm gonna wait till closer to release to make a final decision. Also have the one my friend loaned me for a while, so I can practice some more.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
You can set it up that way... maybe... but I can't imagine having solid control over it that way.

Fixed guns have got to be the way to go with a stick anyway.


what Suineg set it to
You can set it up that way... maybe... but I can't imagine having solid control over it that way.

Fixed guns have got to be the way to go with a stick anyway.
I don't imagine it being super useful as or against small craft, but I imagine it might be better in/against larger craft where you don't have such immediate thruster control.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I can't wait until they get some of the larger ships and multi-crews available to test.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
PRO TIP: Create a user.cfg file in the /CitizenClient folder and fill it with:

r_Gamma = .93
sys_MaxFps = 120
r_TexMinAnisotropy = 8
r_TexMaxAnisotropy = 8
e_ShadowsMaxTexRes = 256
r_MotionBlur = 0
r_ColorGrading = 0
r_FogShadows = 0
r_VSync = 0
sys_spec_Sound = 2
i_Mouse_Accel = 0.0
i_Mouse_Smooth = 0.0
r_ChromaticAbberation = 0
r_sharpening = 0
r_HDRGrainAmount = 0
cl_fov = 70
r_DepthOfField = 0
g_radialBlur = 0
hud_bobHud = 0
r_SSAO = 0
r_ssdo = 1
r_SSReflections = 0
r_HDRBrightLevel = 0.5
e_ParticlesShadows = 0

You can adjust gamma and maxFPS for your monitor.

This will make loading faster, make the game look better, and raise your FPS by a shitload.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Tried those setting, I don't see much of a difference visually but seem to have gotten about 20% increase in FPS which is nice.


Golden Squire
I am enjoying the game, but I seriously need a way to make the radar background opaque. Makes me crazy that every time I am against a light background like a star I can't see shit in the radar because it is white on bright background. The dogfighting in this is much faster pace than Elite: Dangerous which I am really enjoying


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Elite needs more interesting combat and more interesting ship equipment system and ships that don't look like crap.


I am enjoying the game, but I seriously need a way to make the radar background opaque. Makes me crazy that every time I am against a light background like a star I can't see shit in the radar because it is white on bright background. The dogfighting in this is much faster pace than Elite: Dangerous which I am really enjoying
You are not alone but make a suggestion in the forums regardless. Not sure if it's by design or if it's just not quite there yet with the UI.

As for the speed of combat expect it to drop off a bit once armor and further balancing is implemented with shield and the basic ship. SC combat was never meant to take place in a moment like in Star Wars. A flash of light or two and it's over. It's supposed to be a drawn out dogfight where deciding to use that second or third missile becomes a strategic decision because you can't be rearmed easily. Constellations which are only a couple of times the size of the Cutlass are supposed to be battle barges that can withstand a pounding from numerous space superiority fighters and come out on top.

So just to give you a head's up don't expect an EVE Valkyrie type experience by game's launch. SC is an entirely different animal. None of the games are done justice by comparing them but that's just my opinion.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
More impression of the X52 Pro, I'm alternating between mouse and keyboard and the X52 as I'm getting more and more used to the Star Citizen flight model. I'm enjoying the X52 more in term of fun...and immersion. I did some multiplayer with both mouse and keyboard and the x52 and it's in my opinion way inferior to the mouse and keyboard.

It's easier to use for me since all the buttons are more easy then all the keyboard keybinds, but the mouse is a lot more accurate for targeting, and lack of control of the gimbal is pretty much gamebreaking at this point. They are aware of this, and there is talk of computer targeted for the gimbals but I'm not sure what they'll end up doing.

There is still a lot of time for them to fix it. Chris Roberts is a huge immersion fan so I'm sure he wants flight sticks to be viable, and right now I don't think they are in combat...they are just for flying thought, I do better in the race with joystick than mouse.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I wanted to show what it looked like to a friend, so I recorded a single lap in the classic race. This is solo mode, no one else racing against me. It's the second lap since I crashed in the first one and didn't think it would make a good showing to my friend.

I was playing at the highest details at 2560 x 1440 using the optimization Mist posted earlier. YouTube only seems to show it at 1080P though, not sure if it's a limitation or if I did something wrong, anyways here it is, it's only about 1:25 minutes or so.



Bronze Knight of the Realm
I wanted to show what it looked like to a friend, so I recorded a single lap in the classic race. This is solo mode, no one else racing against me. It's the second lap since I crashed in the first one and didn't think it would make a good showing to my friend.

I was playing at the highest details at 2560 x 1440 using the optimization Mist posted earlier. YouTube only seems to show it at 1080P though, not sure if it's a limitation or if I did something wrong, anyways here it is, it's only about 1:25 minutes or so.

You are so good at it, it's almost boring to watch!
But yeah, that looks awesome. I could post a run from myself: I am all over the place though and hit things that are not even near the next portal that I should have gone through.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
That's about as fast as it gets. I think there is one ship that is a little faster than mine, but barely. It's deceptively faster than it looks in the video.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Yeah I think you're so good at it, it makes it look slow, since all your corrections are extremely steady. Plus there are no other players.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I'm not that good, I'm not that bad either..but this is a great run. To give an example, that lap was about 1:16 I think, the previous lap was 1:56 and I had only one minor crash that didn't even kill me but just sent me spiralling out of control way way way of course...heck dying and respawning is faster than spiralling out of control.