Star Drive 2.


Buzzfeed Editor
StarDrive 2 on Steam

33% off for a while, just got tossed up. Wanted to make a thread specifically for this, since I really like 4x with ship design, and actual combat that makes the ship design matter more than abstractions. If you've played Star Drive 1, this game so far seems to be like that one, except everything I wished was changed? Was. It's turn based now. Some of the dumber ship module stuff was fixed. Some of the more idiotic systems were fixed (Like troop transportation literally being a click) and a host of other issues.

Ship design in the game is a 2d grid system. You get a layout of your ship with X number of squares to fill. And a bunch of modules to fill them in with. Armor, engines, power plants, capacitors (Ammo for energy weapons), munitions, shields sensors ect (You get the point.)...How you lay your ship out matters in the battle screen because directional damage is a thing--so if you're shot on your left side, and your armor modules are toast on that side, the munition will travel in and hit the first component it finds from that side (if it's one of your reactors/power plants, whole ship dies--so placement is pretty important.)...Also, the 2d battle screen is not abstracted for weaponry--it's physics based. So very fast ships can avoid slower munitions so mass vs thrust is super important. But there are specific weapon systems that track, or shoot very fast ballistics (Like flak) to handle it. Anyway, wide variety of ways to design a ship thanks to that. (No idea if the end game suffers from one design to rule them all, haven't gotten there yet.) In addition , ground combat is also a 2d battle screen. With troops you can equip and train ect. It's like a mini (And admittedly more bare bones) Xcom. But it makes planetary take over pretty cool.

The strategic screen is your standard 4x. Labor/Science/Production--Very Galc Civ 2. But it has some additions that make it interesting. Like it's trade routes are automated, you just need transports. So being low on food, if you have an extra transport, the game will automatically set up a run from a harvest planet to the low on food one (ect). The strategy screen is surprisingly deep for how simple everything is. It also ties in ship design pretty well with how they work fuel in (In your own systems, fuel doesn't run out. But go outside and you use it fast--if you run out your ship is useless and slowly crawls back to a space station. So before pushing deep into an opponents territory you either need to claim territory of your own, or build your ships with extra fuel capacity--little stuff like that makes the game pretty neat so far.)

It might all end up being shit though, for those who like 4x you know end game can turn into crap. I only have 5 hours in, so can't say for sure. But so far, if you're looking for a decent 4x to design ships in, this is fun! Going to try Gal Civ 3 and see how that is too (But I'm pretty sure it's all abstraction for ship combat.)


Registered Hutt
I've played it a bit. I think the tech decisions and diplomacy need to be improved. Last time I played all the AI chose 80% of the same techs, they often don't pick higher end hull-techs at all. And I tried to become a trade focused state, but you literally couldn't perpetuate the large trade deals as the tolerance decay was slower than the size of large trade deals. Now you can surpass tolerance caps at a penalty, but he hasn't addressed the decay rate, so you can keep penalizing yourself to be a trader. Silly.

The highway system of Stardrive 1 (sub-space projectors) is basically just broken in Stardrive 2 right now, so as your empire grows you have very little capacity to benefit from that growth other than the overpowered empire-wide resource bonuses as you have to split and regionalize your forces to respond to AI doomstacks.

The AI is often capable of pinpointing undefended systems deep within your space (which they have no line of sight on) and sending huge fleets right at them with very little concern for fuel. I'm curious if they even use fuel. It's not like Zero has claimed that the AI doesn't cheat. They do, but exactly where they cheat is left a mystery for the players to resolve. Of course they're not very threatening most of the time as they generally use the exact same weapons and armor for the entire game.

It has potential, and I enjoy the concept, but some of the features and quests are mud thrown at the wall type of things.


<Bronze Donator>
They already made a second one?
This was my first thought lol. Wasn't the first one still in beta like 2 years ago? I purchased it 3/20/2013 and I'm pretty sure it was still beta. I didn't put too much time into the first, but I did think it was a good game. I was meh about the ship building, and I didn't like the way you sent units to planets. The space line stuff felt a little clunky too. I definitely enjoyed it, though I didn't play it much because when I did play it days just vanished.

Turn based appeals to me though, as I feel I often spent a lot of time paused or unpaused and playing very inefficient.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
It's a solid foundation, and plenty enjoyable for 15-20 hours on its own, so worth the $$ IMO. It has plenty of room to improve, though, but luckily it seems that Zero is on the ball in that regard. I wouldn't be surprised to see it improve greatly over the next year.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Well, to be clear, it's not a bad game right now, and in fact is good, IMO. It does have flaws though, a couple of the main ones highlighted above, but as I said, I'd expect them to be fixed at some point soonish.

But yes, that is definitely the norm today.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Well, to be clear, it's not a bad game right now, and in fact is good, IMO. It does have flaws though, a couple of the main ones highlighted above, but as I said, I'd expect them to be fixed at some point soonish.
And this is the moniker for just about every game title now. It's "decent" buuuuut...

With all the games available nowadays, there really isn't any reason not to just wait a year. You typically get it cheaper, the game becomes more streamlined, more intuitive, more bug-free, and has higher amounts of content. There is nothing but upside. If it still sucks a year after release, it probably isn't a game worth your money. Publishers, developers, etc. rely on stupid consumers that have wholly bought into "I MUST HAVE IT AND IT MUST BE NOW!!!" style instant gratification. Patience truly is a virtue in today's gaming world.


Silver Baron of the Realm
If you have played any space 4x in the last few years then you will be done with this game after a few hours when it's few novelties have become stale. It's another case of a game's foundation being released before anything truly defining and interesting has been added to it to take you beyond the "Ohh here's my space empire... neat!" phase when you first start a game. Every game plays the same, diplomacy sucks, espionage is absurd, AI's are psychotic, fleet battles are incredibly repetitive but you can never auto resolve because it will turn a 100% victory into a complete loss... At the moment the best compliment that I can give it is that the character designs and interaction screens are visually appealing to me and the ship designing is fun for awhile until you realize that Opterris Hive (sp) is the only race with hulls designs worth a damn. You should really be allowed to create your own hulls and even (shock) be able to rotate your weapons to your own preference.

I'll check back in a year and see if it was ever given enough treatment to make it re playable and interesting.


SR2 is very subjective in that people seem to love it or hate it because of that whole "higher level overview" play-style, but at least it's not another attempted MoO2 clone that does things worse than a two decade old game.


Buzzfeed Editor
Hated SR2--but I generally dislike RTS games trying to be 4x. (Why I didn't like SD1). What I really like in space 4x is general MoO/Gal Civ management/strategy, combined with ship design and ACTUAL physics based combat (Where thrust, mass, direction, weapon placement ect matter)...Essentially I really like Total War in space (With ship design)

Thus far, the only game that was exceptional with this was SoTS1--it' was a bit too abstracted in Empire Management though =-/. SoTS2, based on it's mechanics was going to be the best 4x/Combat game ever--but it was a bug ridden mess.

Also, I agree with most of Gask's criticisms, but honestly I have the same ones about every 4x space game since MoO; so at least the ship design keeps it interesting. Though I agree I HATE how hull types are balanced...narrow vs deep/broad hulls suck.