I just saw the TNG episode where Neelix was a Ferrengi and I'm surprised they gave him a relatively main character role after that. He can't even portray a Ferrengi correctly. Why would one ever care about rules and regulations or looking bad?True, although sometimes when they attempt to manufacture a "beloved" character, they fail.
Like during Voyager, they thought Neelix was going to be the fan favorite, instead of The Doctor. Sometimes shows just kind of fall into one naturally.
One of the first appearances of Gul Macet (same actor who plays Gul Dukat in DS9) and his ties to Miles Obrien is rooted in a Season 4 episode I just watched last night (his old Captain is the Warden from fuckin Shawshank Redemption). This is the first appearance of the Cardassians. Their design improved dramatically later on. Look at this crazy shit. Silly hats, and weird facial hair.
Their uniforms looked way better later on.
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