However, the 15-episode first season of the sci-fi series will be split into two chapters. The first eight episodes will roll out through Nov. 5, and then the series will return with seven new episodes in January 2018.
Jim Lanzone: The most successful version (of All Access) would be one that hits 4 million subscribers by 2020, has a healthy amount of usage and supports our overall strategy of being multiplatform. Les has said CBS is no longer just a broadcast television network, we're a premium content company that delivers content everywhere users want to consume it. That truly has become the internal mantra.
Jim Lanzone: We started pitching the business plan four years ago, building it three years ago. It's funny. I remember HBO announced HBO Now the day before we announced CBS All Access. We actually launched it that day, but people who didn't pay attention said we launched it in reaction to HBO. I'm like, "That took over a year to build. We didn't do that in 24 hours." HBO didn't launch HBO Now for six more months.
Sometime before TOS Klingons fuck around with gene manipulation. Something fucks up and they end up creating a virus that runs out of control and changes how they look. I guess they fix that shit before TNG starts. I think it's a storyline in the Scott Bakula series but I never watched that. I just like reading Wikias. Klingon augment virus
How this shit syncs up with the lens flare universe vs the main universe who knows.
The new trailer looks pretty. TV production is getting pretty damn good. But the actual show looks incredibly underwhelming.
Frakes is very experienced behind the camera, having helmed several episodes of TNG, Deep Space Nine, and Voyager, as well as the Trek films First Contact and Insurrection.
First Contact wasn't good either.
First Contact wasn't good either.