The more I see of this the less I want to see if it...
TNG was inspired in that it made a big leap forward in time and this allowed the stories to reflect the very different society that existed in the late 80s as compared to the 60s. A argument could be made that it need only be a 20 year leap in the fictional setting too, but so much of what is done in Trek is allegory and that requires some setup.
This new series should have moved the timeline forward another 100ish years from the TNG/DS9/VOY era. Set it at a time when the Federation exists across the entirety of the Milky Way and encompasses everything from Ferengi and Klingons to Borg and Dominion, but the cesation of hostilities between national states hasn't eliminated conflict.
Explore the idea of Balkanization once the external threat that binds cultures together is removed. Explore the idea that, despite the now-nostalgic ideal of the 23rd century, not everyone can have everything or do anything they want. Explore what it means to maintain a sense of self in what it ostensibly a perfectly diverse society.
But no, let's have yet another version of Klingons in a prequel era.
The more I see of this the less I want to see if it...
TNG was inspired in that it made a big leap forward in time and this allowed the stories to reflect the very different society that existed in the late 80s as compared to the 60s. A argument could be made that it need only be a 20 year leap in the fictional setting too, but so much of what is done in Trek is allegory and that requires some setup.
This new series should have moved the timeline forward another 100ish years from the TNG/DS9/VOY era. Set it at a time when the Federation exists across the entirety of the Milky Way and encompasses everything from Ferengi and Klingons to Borg and Dominion, but the cesation of hostilities between national states hasn't eliminated conflict.
Explore the idea of Balkanization once the external threat that binds cultures together is removed. Explore the idea that, despite the now-nostalgic ideal of the 23rd century, not everyone can have everything or do anything they want. Explore what it means to maintain a sense of self in what it ostensibly a perfectly diverse society.
But no, let's have yet another version of Klingons in a prequel era.
this idea is bad. without the threat of extinction, there's nothing stake-wise in story telling. federation always wins, blah blah blah
no one gives a shit about balkanization. its boring AF
The more I see of this the less I want to see if it...
TNG was inspired in that it made a big leap forward in time and this allowed the stories to reflect the very different society that existed in the late 80s as compared to the 60s. A argument could be made that it need only be a 20 year leap in the fictional setting too, but so much of what is done in Trek is allegory and that requires some setup.
This new series should have moved the timeline forward another 100ish years from the TNG/DS9/VOY era. Set it at a time when the Federation exists across the entirety of the Milky Way and encompasses everything from Ferengi and Klingons to Borg and Dominion, but the cesation of hostilities between national states hasn't eliminated conflict.
Explore the idea of Balkanization once the external threat that binds cultures together is removed. Explore the idea that, despite the now-nostalgic ideal of the 23rd century, not everyone can have everything or do anything they want. Explore what it means to maintain a sense of self in what it ostensibly a perfectly diverse society.
But no, let's have yet another version of Klingons in a prequel era.
one of the Star trek reboots eventually needs to take a really bold step and REALLY reboot star trek, and pretend nothing that came before happened ala BSG. There is just too much flotsam and debris in the canon Star Trek universe for good story arcs to emerge.
Like 95% or more of the TNG episodes had no threat whatsoever to the federation, and many episodes had no real threat to even the crew, although sometimes they would artificially force some threat from the 3rd parties to more heavily invest the crew in the plot I guess. DS9 went away from that with the whole, y'know, galactic war thing, and Voyager was all about survival of the crew in mega-foreign territory.this idea is bad. without the threat of extinction, there's nothing stake-wise in story telling. federation always wins, blah blah blah
no one gives a shit about balkanization. its boring AF