its not even the science in this case that bothers me. its the sheer retardation of sending a first officer on a jet pack to check something out in an asteroid field. you should be able to zoom in on that from the bridge or at least take a space shuttle. yeah yeah, i get it, its to move the story forward
anyways, watched both episodes, i really liked this. the stakes feel high, the effects are amazing, the show looks great. if they can keep the storylines going without making me feel like theres always a safety net for everyone, then im all in on this show.
without a doubt this is the best series premiere of any trek show.
Pretty much the dumbest character they've created.
She insist on going on a dangerous space walk through asteroids, and yeah use probes or shuttle.
Kills a Klingon by accident.
Disobeys orders to stand down and forget about her idea to shoot at the Klingons first.
Assaults the Captain with the Vulcan death grip.
Starts a personal mutiny to start a war to "save" their lives.
Talks the captain out of a plan to blow up herself and the klingon ship and make T'Kuvma a martyr, but goes along with the captain with the plan to capture him. As someone else mentioned, there's regulations that don't allow both the captain and first officer to go on dangerous missions together, obviously she's a shitty officer to not even remind the captain of that, how many times did Riker do that to Picard?.
Sets phaser to kill (the light turned from blue to red) when the captain gets stabbed and kills T'Kuvma anyways, basically wasting the life of her captain for nothing.
Gets her captain killed, an admiral killed, crew mates killed, ships destroyed, starts a war with the biggest military empire, over 8 thousand dead in the first 2 days, all so she can fucking joy ride a space suit.
It had better be the best series premiere of any trek show, they have access to movie level cgi, and they have had 5 previous shows to work from to get it right.
The Discovery still looks like a dated old ship compared to the ones they had in the war lineup, although half those ships probably shouldn't be there as they look more like tng not tos era ships.