The Michael thing isn't that big. Younger people don't realize it, but up until the late 20th century, Ashley was pretty much exclusively a boy's name, but now you'll find most people associate it with a girl's name (outside of Ash J Williams and Ash Ketchum, but even then they're using the shortened versions of Ashley). There are tons of examples of male names transitioning into female names and vice versa. For a show set centuries in the future, I'm not going to get hung up on that sort of detail when you can just look at recent history and find examples of names becoming unisex or predominately used by one gender that wasn't the original gender the name was used for.
Nobody honestly gives a fuck what her name is, she just sucks as an actor, especially one expected to lead a 50 year old franchise into the future. When your predecessors are William Shatner (who is shit, but suited his role perfectly), the majestic Sir Patrick Stewart, now mentally insane Avery Brooks, Kate Mulgrew, and even Scott Bakula... They bring on a defunct Walking Dead actor with the range of a dead snail that's constantly angry, makes stupid as fuck decisions, literally does things in an illogical manner unbefitting her upbringing, and they try to play her off as hyper intelligent, rational, and the hero of the show? Get right the fuck out. Oh, and they dragged race and sex into things like folks of Star Trek honestly give a fuck.
I hate Tilly, but she's like 20 levels down from Michael's character, and actually acceptable. In fact, the rest of the cast is more or less acceptable to honestly great.
They built a world on a shitty, shit, fucking deplorable piece of shit character. The polar opposite of Trek. And she's supposed to be heralded? Again, get the fuck out CBS.
*edit: it's like if they had created a show that focused on Barclay from TNG/VOY. Admittedly I love his character, he's brilliant, awkward, the normative person in an exceptional world doing his own exceptional things. But he's normal, natural (in his awkward way), while Michael is like a cross between an angry goose and a peacock during mating season. They wanted to build a show that's the polar opposite of Star Trek, and they succeeded in glorious fashion. Doesn't make sense, war infested, non-ensemble, terrible lead.