It's kind of funny remembering how progressive TNG was. It had openly gay couples running around the ship in the 80s. Roddenberry was a truly huge prog lefty, which is why he made the Federation Socialist Utopia, and the only reason it was that way was because there were literally unlimited energy and resources so go nuts.Only for this forum, because the people bitching about it have selective blindness on past entertainment lol
The problem is writers are so shit these days they can't embed any messages of morality or social politics in an otherwise good story. It's just non-stop "got you good fucker" level of Farva agenda pushing in everything and it's bolstered by actors who have been propped up to believe they're more important than the story or entertainment value of viewers.
Yeah, great stories can change people and society for the better, but not when these self-fellating shit suckers thinking the way to do that is with terrible, hamfisted writing and calling the viewer a right wing nazi asshole if they even question why we can't at least get the good writing with the force feed agenda.
Entertainers need to at least start with a basic level of entertainment, and them opening their preachy mouths for anything other than their lines and creepy producers isn't helping them entertain, nor is it helping deliver any positive social changes like good entertainment can deliver.
Buckle up, buckaroo.please don't suck like all of the TNG movies
As much as I like Stewart's past work, he's part of why the movies suck. Pile on the all the wokeness of current year and I'll bet it's awful.please don't suck like all of the TNG movies
In DS9 this guy was the Federation President
and he didn't take the changeling threat seriously at all. Section 31 had already infiltrated his cabinet and the militant wingers in Starfleet tried to take over Earth during that time period too (Homefront + Paradise Lost).
Or in other words if fans are expecting TNG, they're way off.