Golden Baronet of the Realm
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Different continuities. Romulus gets destroyed, Nero travels back in time and destroys Vulcan.
So Picard is only set in the continuity with Romulus destroyed and not Vulcan. Interesting.
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Different continuities. Romulus gets destroyed, Nero travels back in time and destroys Vulcan.
There seems to be a lot of judgement about this series before even a single episode is released.
The Tal Shiar were the assholes, so if they are truly gone, then the remaining Romulans would get a bad rap
I never got the full lowdown on the supernova that wiped out Romulus, how much of their Empire gets obliterated beyond their capital world?
I never got the full lowdown on the supernova that wiped out Romulus, how much of their Empire gets obliterated beyond their capital world?
I swear the actress who played the Romulan captain of that ship has had other guest starring roles on Trek more than once before or since.
She did
Carolyn Seymour
Carolyn Seymour (born 6 November 1947; age 76) is a British actress who appeared in five Star Trek television episodes as four characters across two spin-off series. She filmed her scenes for "First Contact" between Monday 3 December 1990 and Thursday 6 December 1990 as well as Monday
TIL Can supernovae hinder the formation of life in galaxies? (Beginner) - Curious About Astronomy? Ask an AstronomerWell with Abrams no longer around to shit on the laws of physics, I doubt a single nova is going to be capable of affecting multiple systems unless Romulus just happened to be part of an abnormally tight star cluster.
This. Even if the event was powerful enough to wipe out adjacent star systems as well, it still would have to travel at the speed of light, therefore giving literally years to evacuate the other systems to be affected.'Hinder the formation of life in multiple systems on an astronomical time scale' is not the same thing as 'Instantly wipe out multiple star systems inhabited by an advanced FTL capable species'
The Star Trek novelization instead stated that the star had merely threatened systems in its own vicinity rather than the entire galaxy.
It is revealed during the course of Star Trek Online itself that the supernova was not a natural occurrence: the supernova and the unusual behavior of its shockwave were caused by an Iconian-designed doomsday weapon deployed by rogue members of the Tal Shiar.
In the more recent reference book Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library ("Stellar Cartography", p. 35), the explosion of Hobus was called a "subspace supernova". This event resulted in the destruction of the entire Romulan star system, with billions killed.
A third explanation appears in the backstory of Star Trek Online, which states that the shockwave from the Hobus explosion propagated through subspace at faster-than-light speeds and reached the Romulan system in just over a day, destroying both Romulus and Remus mere hours into an evacuation expected to take six weeks. A scandal occurred several years later involving rumors that the Vulcan Science Academy knew about the instability of the star but did nothing until Spock attempted to save Romulus with the Jellyfish. The scandal resulted in several resignations and sowed seeds of distrust towards the Vulcans.
What's really dumb is the Star Trek reboot story in its entirety
Star Trek Online to learn canon lore? *barf*
the IP is truly lost.