Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
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- 18,945
Yeah UPN - Voyager
"Get UUU'PN" hehe what a black person network
yeah, but it was like Orville bad, not Discovery bad. Like ,sure we all give Orville high praise. But really thats just because its far better then it has any right to be, and in comparison to the trash of Discovery, and the last like 10 Star Trek entries. The Orville in a vacuum is not particularly great. If it keeps going, and really gets its feet, it might become great. But atm, its largely one note characters, and kindof all over the place in quality. not unlike s1-2 of TNG.the fascinating thing is that TNG season 1 was AWFUL. Like absolutely wretchedly bad, you have the second or third episode where they visit "planet of the black people", Tasha Yar is an annoying cunt, Worf acts and looks like a retard, all Troi can talk about is "I sense something...", and Wesley Crusher is a walking zit. Season 2 starts improving a little bit but the show doesn't get its groove until halfway thru that even.
Nowadays a show like that would have gotten cancelled almost certainly halfway thru season 1, kinda sad to think about shows that had the right idea and core but didn't get the chance to fix their issues. You gotta get it right out of the gate or you are done.
Discovery wasn't. And wasn't the first half of Discovery exactly that, truly awful?
voyager/enterprise was on UPN, TNG and i believe DS9 were on the wbUPN?
voyager/enterprise was on UPN, TNG and i believe DS9 were on the wb
There's a couple background technology scenes in this video, seems much more casual integration with daily life
There's also some Q&A that was done with people who saw the first three episodes at the premiere event. I'll spoiler the reddit link but the discussion is intentionally a non-spoiler review of how the series will be compared to 90s Trek. The top comment has a good breakdown if you want the cliff notes.
i was a teen when TNG came out, remember every geeky kid being super hyped for it. the comic shop was collecting articles and taping them to the wall for everyone to read. still remember the national enquirer was one of the first place to publish a pic of the enterprise and it was upside down. you didn't even need cable to watch.
as bad as it some of seems now, it was all great back then.
what else scifi was there to watch back then, Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers, and Doctor Who repeats? our pbs lost DW after the upped the price. hell they couldn't even afford to show the 5th doctor before that.
7of9 spinoff when
huge TOS fan here, i watched one or two episodes of the first season of TNG and i hated it. never looked back. the movies were alright though. cept that last TNG movie. not sure wtf that was about. my dad loved him some TOS and TNG. i wish i could have liked it, but Captain James Tyberius Kirk is the only true Captain of the Enterprise.Tons of TOS fans hated TNG at the start. Letter writing campaigns of hatred and everything.
He's COMMANDER Worf of House Martok and was assigned as diplomat to Kronos!
The Troi/Worf pairing in later seasons would have gone fast and hard where Worf bangs her before the entire senior staff while everyone claps. I think Netflix did this already?
And here I thought the black alert was triggered by M Burnham being on the shipSPORE DRIVE. BLACK ALERT.
huge TOS fan here, i watched one or two episodes of the first season of TNG and i hated it. never looked back. the movies were alright though. cept that last TNG movie. not sure wtf that was about. my dad loved him some TOS and TNG. i wish i could have liked it, but Captain James Tyberius Kirk is the only true Captain of the Enterprise.