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I have a ton of dogs, including a jack russell and a doberman. The doberman is a major goofball and would be great around kids with no issues. He's actually one of the best with baby animals, along with my golden retriever. Just pure father of the year shit. The jack russell will kill any wild animal within a 2 mile radius. Just pure hunting dog, but would never touch a human or even our cats. She'll play with the cats and then go murder some black squirrels. Loves fuzzy toys obviously.
The more aggressive dogs I've met are only trying to protect their owner and view me as a threat. I have a corgi that will set off alarm bells if anyone is near and doesn't like strangers, but it's more hide behind your leg stuff. She would never bite anyone unless she is backed into a corner by a stranger trying to catch her and she has to defend herself. I've had upwards of 20-30 cocker spaniels when I was a kid (all long gone to old age), and I've only met one that was aggressive and that was due to abuse. ANY dog aggressive without their owner present is almost 100% abused and this includes my experience working in 2 different animal shelters.
The more aggressive dogs I've met are only trying to protect their owner and view me as a threat. I have a corgi that will set off alarm bells if anyone is near and doesn't like strangers, but it's more hide behind your leg stuff. She would never bite anyone unless she is backed into a corner by a stranger trying to catch her and she has to defend herself. I've had upwards of 20-30 cocker spaniels when I was a kid (all long gone to old age), and I've only met one that was aggressive and that was due to abuse. ANY dog aggressive without their owner present is almost 100% abused and this includes my experience working in 2 different animal shelters.
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