So I keep seeing ideas for spin-offs and honestly up till recently I thought a Riker one would be the only decent one...but I came up with an idea last night that I think might be neat.
Wesley Crusher. Now before you laugh, let me explain. We open up to Adult Wesley (played by Will Wheaton of course) walking into Siskos restaurant (since "what we left behind" has Jake there now) to meet Jake. Jake has come across Crushers story in some log entries and somehow through years of work was able to track Crusher down (he was in the Delta Quadrant maybe) and Crusher agrees to meet with him, plus it’s been a while since he’s seen his mother so he wants to head home for a bit.
They sit down and Jake asks him what’s been going on all these years. The show begins with Will Wheaton narrating when he and the Traveler left the Enterprise and that’s how the show kicks off. From there on out, we have a show that’s a combination of his tales and intermittent narrations by Wheaton. If they could be at the beginning of each episode and then go straight into the story.
Or maybe it could also start with a problem where Starfleet needs Wesley but can’t find him and word gets to jake who starts to investigate. The episodes could jump between jake looking and following wesleys previous encounters with other planets and people. Jakes investigative journalism, around the various quadrants, possibly on dax’s ship could open up new places not seen on screen before. And a new crew
Okay. While I’d watch it...feel free to Khorum on it. I just thought it could be something new while actually doing what Trek used to do, which is exploring.