He's very soft spoken. So when he's the main character in an episode it kinda sucks.I have to turn subtitles on for the doctor, he seems to mumble way too quietly. Am I just losing my hearing?
I suspect ending that plotline had a practical component: They had setup a storyline with a child that, in theory, doesn't age because they are in the transporter buffer. But seasons take time to make and kids grow up fast, so unless you wanted a "Carl" effect like in Walking Dead, so your options were either end that plotline or create some technobabble reason to explain why his daughter seems to age a year or two between seasons.
It was a neat plot line element, but I don't think they really thought it through in terms of real world considerations and probably decided later on they needed an escape from that plot element to help the suspension of disbelief
Even though this show has its faults, it's still good and worth watching every week. Orville on the other hand started out good in the first 2 seasons and this new season has been pretty bad.I am ambivalent on this one...
Way too much Aliens stuff in this episode. It's one thing to be an homage, it's another to be a cheesy rip-off. They even had Sam Kirk as Hudson.
The loss of Hemmer; a great new character so soon, was just plain dumb After all, he's no Ned Stark developmentally or dramatically, so why?
Still good TV, but I think they will lose fan-base with this episode as well as lots of great downstream character and plot possibilities and potentials.
I'd like to just ignore the episode and move on. But how can you? A lot of major character shifts for an overall kind-of crappy episode.
I agree.Even though this show has its faults, it's still good and worth watching every week. Orville on the other hand started out good in the first 2 seasons and this new season has been pretty bad.
Yeah I haven't even seen the show and she is insanely hot, reading the thread just for her.I agree.
I also can't believe how each episode Jess Bush gets more attractive. She is a gem.
They are on the verge of fucking shit up:Yeah that was a real bummer they killed off Hemmar, he was a great character, actor, and had an interesting story. I'm guessing they are bringing in TOS characters, wouldn't be surprised if we see a young Scotty next season in addition to the rumored James Kirk casting. I think its a mistake, shoulda kept Hemmar on for at least another season but it also sounds like the actor will not be leaving Star Trek exactly, a bit vague but maybe a different show or a different character?
Bruce Horak Talks Hemmer’s Pivotal ‘Strange New Worlds’ Episode And His Star Trek Future
The actor talks about developing the Aenar character and filming episode nine.trekmovie.com