Star Wars Battlefront II


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I think the flight controls work well with M/KB. Much better than flight controls in battlefield games.


Log Wizard
Boba Fett OP as shit. Just raining terror on everyone. Just like Boba should.


Watcher of Overs
If I were in charge I'd change:

Lose the minimap and put footsteps in. Or maybe keep it as a mode for the hearing impaired as an option.

Either give the white armored troopers camo or spice up resistance and droid outfits a bit. If they stand still it is nearly impossible to see them.

Weaken shotgun and sniper short range burst thing whatever that is, though maybe this would be ok if they do footsteps.

Rocket trooper primary needs a range falloff. So easy to outsnipe snipers with it. I'd actually buff the rocket itself. I've nailed so many people with it and all I ever get are assists. It is weaker than grenades even, and nothing like the wookie nuclear bomb disguised as a grenade.

Put a little manual work on the collision geometry. The forest especially is super terrible. I've gotten stuck in trees and rocks at least a dozen times this weekend. Also very annoying trying to climb over little foot high rocks and dirt mounts that won't let you over.

Penalize jumping and rolling around like an idiot. This should never benefit anyone in any game yet it usually does. Either rolls have invulnerability frames or the bone collision capsules flip out because droids especially just seem to ignore all hits when spazzing.

Crosshairs need customization. They blend in with the background severely on most weapons.

Use that financial EA muscle and try to get a team at microsoft working on real hardware memory protection at the OS level. If cheating is already a problem in a beta imagine how bad it's going to be in a few months. This should have been solved 10 years ago.

Score and chat should be constantly available.

Give some benefit to duplicates from crates.

Work a bit on the soldier movement feel. Right now it feels like driving a cube.

Tripmines have a cooldown that lets you place more. Does the original vanish when you do? Some kind of ui indication would be nice.

Audio seems very 2D and it is very difficult to tell where you are being shot from. That combined with the lack of footsteps make flanking a bit too strong.

Penalize dying and factor deaths into score. Careful play and staying alive isn't rewarded at all right now.

Stuff I like in the game:

The glare effect you can use to spot enemy snipers that are scoping. That's a really brilliant idea.

Placeable turrets are reasonable and not instant tracking never miss like certain swedish turrets.

Visuals and performance are fantastic, even on my I5, though I often wonder if there's a benefit to turning the settings all the way down. Haven't tried it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Penalize dying and factor deaths into score. Careful play and staying alive isn't rewarded at all right now.

Sure it is, your team gets X number of respawns, if you don't die, you aren't hampering your team and you have more active time to get points.


Sure it is, your team gets X number of respawns, if you don't die, you aren't hampering your team and you have more active time to get points.

Realistically outside of organized play, neither of those actively penalize the derps this game is marketed to as an arcade-style game. If anything it encourages poorer play because of faster match turn-over while actively penalizing players trying to treat this as a Battlefield / tactical game.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Deaths only penalize the attacking team. The defending team has infinite respawns


Avatar of War Slayer
So this shit was free beta time- so I downloaded it and gave it a try.

Ship battles - this is awesome, the controls took a min to get used to - I still do not know how to use my "specials" other than thrust jet - but whatever. Its as crazy hectic insane as these large scale battles should be. I like the mix of player v player and the ability to focus on the computer bad guys - but sometimes if you have a team that just ignores all players and just focuses on the specific objectives that are NPCs it can be almost insta win...but i suppose its a balance.

Ground fighting - imo snipers are worthless - the guns are not powerful enough nor zoom enough for the environment and type of play so to me its useless - just go in and spray and pray while jumping and running around. Characters blend into the environment esp droids and that type of stuff always frustrates me in these games - I guess that's why I like the space fights better because of the outline and scanning etc.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Playing the beta moved me from a strong no to a maybe. The space combat was fun and welcome addition that should have been in the first game. The ground combat felt about the same and I didn't feel like the heroes were too over powered like in Battlefront 1. I don't care if whales can buy hero cards all day as long as they're not over powered like in Battlefront 1. Also, the free DLC means the population won't be split up. Not sold yet but I'm warming up to it.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Because it's a completely different scenario.

The SoW shit turns a 15 hour game into an additional 40 hour slog without buying crates to see the actual ending to the game, the crates in BF2 don't impact people who don't buy them at all. The crates in BF2 are also given out for logging in and for completing tasks on the regular, as well as being buyable with in-game currency that you can amass pretty quickly. If SoW gave out boxes in the same way I don't think the stink about that game would be nearly as bad.

Also, you can't straight up buy that Boba Fett epic card, you have to roll the dice and get lucky, just like anyone who gets their loot boxes just from playing the game. It's also a buff to skill with a cooldown on a character that costs a ton of points to unlock. When you just look at the card it seems like this huge deal, but it's overall impact on a match is minimal. Finally, I crafted tier 2 of that skill after playing 3 matches in game. Like, you're literally going to have that skill, even if you don't get lucky with the dozen or so lockboxes you'll get just from playing, in a day or so depending on how much you play.

People are freaking out over nothing. Lockboxes suck ass, we all know this, but they aren't going anywhere and I'll take the way they are implemented in this game over splitting the playerbase like every other EA multiplayer game has done.

I am not a huge fan of lock boxes but at least in beta they come in pretty damn fast just playing and I have gotten a ton of upgrades that way. Given the rate they come in during play if it keeps up at that pace than I don't think I will have to much problems with their model. If I have a choice between this and what was done with DLC the first go around and how it split the player base I will take the lockboxes.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
So this shit was free beta time- so I downloaded it and gave it a try.

Ship battles - this is awesome, the controls took a min to get used to - I still do not know how to use my "specials" other than thrust jet - but whatever. Its as crazy hectic insane as these large scale battles should be. I like the mix of player v player and the ability to focus on the computer bad guys - but sometimes if you have a team that just ignores all players and just focuses on the specific objectives that are NPCs it can be almost insta win...but i suppose its a balance.

Ground fighting - imo snipers are worthless - the guns are not powerful enough nor zoom enough for the environment and type of play so to me its useless - just go in and spray and pray while jumping and running around. Characters blend into the environment esp droids and that type of stuff always frustrates me in these games - I guess that's why I like the space fights better because of the outline and scanning etc.

The space combat is a lot better/more involved than the first one. The new control scheme threw me off as I was not used to barrel rolling and the joy sticks are flipped so I was in super wtf derp mode initially but in playing it its pretty damn satisfying. Been Y-winging it up and it is very amusing. The specials vary a bit but most of the missiles you hit the button for them to start the lock on process and then hit it again to launch. A couple like the tie bomber big attack auto lock and fire immediately on basically the first 3 targets in front of you. The Y wing big power is an ion turret once you locked onto something or you have somebody you are focusing on it will auto start tracking and shooting at them. It is REALLY nice on objectives like the generators or clamps you lock them with your torpedos and then bump the ion cannon and then you can still keep wailing on it as you pull away for another attack pass.

Some of the fighters have a power that just amps their big attack like eliminates over heating or concentrated laser blast.

If one team is focusing objectives and the other team is not paying attention yes you can end it pretty fast. That said the battle we have seen has a few different parts to it and even with good cordination it is challenging for the rebels because there is so much random blaster fire from various ships/defensive sats NPC and player ships it is a crazy shitstorm of doom and trying to fly around in the super structure while doing objectives while trying to avoid horrible death is pretty intense especially on a Y wing which is not the most nimble ship known to man kind.

The tie bomber is a freaking beast on defense. I have gotten MVP a couple times on tie bomber those things missiles are just nasty as hell and you can rip attackers to shreds as they go for objectives. A couple good tie bomber pilots make doing the objectives a death trap and force them to have to deal with you before they can do the objectives.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Also for the ground and tracking enemies a lot of the issue there is people not using their tricks to "detect" people. Infiltrators in infiltration mode detect people when they are near so you see the outline and assaults have a tracer gun that basically sonar ping detects stuff near where you shoot. Also some of the vehicles have detection ping stuff as well.

Battle droids are amazingly well camouflaged on naboo though. Clones wearing bright white armor are pretty easy to spot but battle droids are both skinny and kinda same color as the buildings in the area. But I have been in fights were people were using their detection tricks and it made things a lot easier.


Avatar of War Slayer
Also do note, I have not played a FPS game like this in years - so grain of salt.

Yeah I was playing Naboo, the stupid droids are skinny and the same color as the background. Light saber dudes, maul and rey i have seen so far- are nothing vs a jetpack trooper or fett

Specials and using them are the key... but like flight - I am bad at it... suppose if I give it another try and make sense of the controls better it will help.

The rest is jut the game, and what it is- I dont play and RPG and then complain I have to read.

the only real complaint, other than QQing about the droids and stuff would be the baseline sniper - sucks. If it 1 shooted on anything but a hand / foot shot it would be better, but needing to put in 2-3 rounds center mass is "longer" in time than a heavy spraying a room.... I know shooters always nowdays tend to underbalance snipers because people QQ about them...from what I read ;-)

but - its a fun game so far.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
Space stuff was a lot of fun, will at least be enjoying the EA and Origin Access releases. If I exhaust one of those I'll probably buy it (but I usually dont, thx gaming ADD)


Man, I really hope they change the loot crate system pretty quick. I loved the gameplay but I still can't get over it.


Molten Core Raider
I'm just awful at this game. Like literally worse at this game than any other shooter I've ever played and I can't figure out why. I not amazing at other shooters, but even in Battlefield or the last Battlefront I'm a middle of the pack player who sometimes can get into the top few players on a side, but I'm like bottom two or three every match.

As for things I'd fix, all this post-processing bullshit needs to go, the shimmer on the UI, the chromatic aberration, the film grain, etc. just makes the game look like muddy shit. The first game looks vastly better because it had none of this garbage. They also need to make the projectiles stand out more, like the first game. It feels like I'm shooting real guns instead of lasers and it's hard to tell not only what you are hitting but whats hitting you. Other than that the rest is all balancing stuff that they'll, hopefully, work out as they go along.


Trump's Staff
Man, I really hope they change the loot crate system pretty quick. I loved the gameplay but I still can't get over it.

Why is everybody so mad at the crates?

Seems like a totally ignorable feature unless you're some bleeding-edge l33tboi


Molten Core Raider
Why is everybody so mad at the crates?

Seems like a totally ignorable feature unless you're some bleeding-edge l33tboi

Because Boba Fett can become invincible for 1.5 seconds every 30 seconds if someone buys enough boxes, gets lucky with the right card, earns 5000 points in a match, and then gets to him first!!&@#%!

In all seriousness lockboxes are an asshole design decision, but it's not that big a deal in Battefront. Eurogamer writes a couple of sensationalist articles and suddenly everyone and their brother are losing their shit over it. I mean, if you're that fucking tryhard you're playing the wrong game anyway.