Star Wars general purpose movie stuff


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
there was a really interesting deleted scene on ach-to where rey and luke are training and the village down the hill starts making a bunch of noise and chaos. there's smoke, a bunch of yelling and rey is all panicked, like "something's wrong! i need to save them!" and luke just stands there, completely uncaring. like he's totally grumpy old man who can't be bothered to lift a finger.

so rey runs down, bursts into one of the buildings, lightsaber drawn... turns out they're having some anniversary party. no one's in trouble, there's no danger, and rey just basically ruined it by breaking down their door. then you see luke standing there laughing at her and calling her out for trying to be the galaxy's savior when no one needed, or asked her to. just because it LOOKED like there was a problem, doesn't mean there is. and rey trying to fix what isn't broken, actually created a problem that wasn't there before.

The deletion of this scene speaks volumes to creative decisions made by the story group. Rey truly had to be infallible and flawless.

Paper thin characters were not necessarily JJ or Rian's fault. I seriously doubt Rian had anything to do with deleting this scene from the movie.

If he did, I'd like to hear his explanation-- if he's going to be honest about it.

Moot, as the deletion of this scene further reinforces my decision to never financially support a Disney Star Wars film, irrespective of who actually deleted it.
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Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Back when Disney bought Lucasarts and announced the big plans they had I was filled with hope that they would not simply stick to the "Main Story" and actually branch out a bit and also tackle other aspects of this HUGE galaxy of stories that has been created, some either only loosley touching on the Main Story and others not even coming close. Rogue One did that to an extent (even if it was heavily influenced by the Main Story) and is, frankly, the best film they've done. And while I haven't watched The Mandalorian yet, from what I understand, they do this too, and it's supposed to be very good.

Just of the top of my head you could make films or TV shows that deal with subjects such as:
Bounty Hunting - either starring Bobba Fet, or just a new character.
A form of "detective" show set on Coruscant around the ascension of Palpatine where the main character is a detective, torn between a duty to the "law" and a sympathy to the Rebellion.
A film or series of films about a (more successful than Rogue One) rebel hit squad doing hit and run strikes against the Empire (inspired by Kyle Katarn)

There is a ton of material to work with (at least if they let some of the EU back in), tons of great characters, places, settings, plots to work with here...

But yeah, it's probably just a pipe dream to hope for something like this at this point.


Avatar of War Slayer
It is really frustrating. this is a Galaxy full of crime syndicates, gangsters, pirates, slavers, Rogue nations. that these assholes can't write a story that does not revolve around the Resistance/Empire rehashed, Sith/jedi rehased, and/or Skywalkers rehashed is really pathetic.

Solo could have done it. it in theory could have been a space heist movie. full of gangsters, etc... But, it actually IS guilty of the "remember the millennium falcon, remember Chewbacca, remember this dice, remember this trac ball racket." that RLM accuses Rogue one of doing. Constant stupid callbacks, answering questions no one asked. and shoehorning in Han being responsible for the start of the Rebellion.
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Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Oh new rumor for the Obi-wan series, we might see a character we all love, Jar Jar Binks. :)
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FPS noob
Some test footage leaked today from a TV show George Lucas was developing way back in 2010. This is test footage from "Star Wars Underworld", something George Lucas was working on apparently and even had written a ton of scripts for. The budget for each episode was estimated to be in the $30m range (PER EPISODE). Everything got cancelled once Disney bought Lucas.

Its interesting but also... crappy lol. Blade Runner Star Wars lite

"Released test footage from 2010 of the cancelled Star Wars TV show "Underworld," which was to take place in the lower levels of Coruscant. The series was set after the events of Order 66. The video game "1313" was to be a tie-in of this series. Due to the immense cost of shooting the series, as well as the selling of Lucasfilm to Disney, "Underworld" was delayed and eventually cancelled.

Lucas wanted to have 100 episodes, each an hour long. The problem is that the episodes were going to cost 50 million dollars each. Lucasfilm didn't have that kind of money. They were trying to invent new technology which would allow them to radically bring costs down. Allow them to shoot an hour of VFX-driven storytelling in a cyberpunk city on a budget closer to 5-10 million. Star Wars has always been suited to longform TV storytelling. It's why Clone Wars works so well. But Lucas and his team dreamed of being able to have VFX as good as -- actually better than -- something like Revenge of the Sith, but with a much lower budget and several hours to tell each story arc.

The test footage isn't a great film, but it's not supposed to be. It's a tech demo showing how they could create these amazing looking environments and blend actors into them. There's also some really interesting intimacy to the camera work, and the instant replay means that they know how it's going to look as they're shooting it. A really, really impressive tech demo. Supposedly some of the scripts for SW: Underworld were really, really good. Corey Balrog has said he got to read some of the scripts:

“Probably the really small beginnings of this idea, the germination of this — when I was working at Lucas, I was allowed to go up to the ranch and read the scripts for the [canceled live-action Star Wars] TV show. It was the most mind-blowing thing I’d ever experienced. I cared about the Emperor. They made the Emperor a sympathetic figure who was wronged by this fucking heartless woman. She’s this hardcore gangster, and she just totally destroyed him as a person. I almost cried while reading this. This is the Emperor, the lightning out of the fingers Emperor. That’s something magical. The writers who worked on that, guys from The Shield and 24, these were excellent writers”
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
So they had all of that and when deciding to do a Han Solo movie did none of it? Fuck Disney.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
“Probably the really small beginnings of this idea, the germination of this — when I was working at Lucas, I was allowed to go up to the ranch and read the scripts for the [canceled live-action Star Wars] TV show. It was the most mind-blowing thing I’d ever experienced. I cared about the Emperor. They made the Emperor a sympathetic figure who was wronged by this fucking heartless woman. She’s this hardcore gangster, and she just totally destroyed him as a person. I almost cried while reading this. This is the Emperor, the lightning out of the fingers Emperor. That’s something magical. The writers who worked on that, guys from The Shield and 24, these were excellent writers”

One thing Disney DOES NOT do is blurred lines.

They will not do conflicted characters.

See Rey's handling for details.

Unfortunately we can't get any character depth or development as long as Disney is the producer. Feige film is going to be a DCMU movie with very basic characters.

There's not much to look forward to on the big screen. Guys like Filoni and Favreau are pushing back on the small screen-- and that's as good as its going to get.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Obi wan series frozen. Reported by Collider-- which is a Disney source.


Production has been halted, without any new start date. It's indefinitely halted.

Crew members are released from contract. Its "cancelled" in its current incarnation. Although the project itself is not cancelled.

They had 6 episodes.

Obi wan was going to protect baby luke.


They want to scale down from 6 episodes to 4 episodes.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Filoni, Iger, and Favreau had no input in this decision. Kennedy personally cancelled and halted the Obi Wan project.

George Lucas in talks with Iger to take over LucasFilm. Lucas said he wants FIloni as his second in command.

George Lucas's demand is full creative control. Iger is holding out so far, hesitant to give George so much power.
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Millie's Staff Member
Some test footage leaked today from a TV show George Lucas was developing way back in 2010. This is test footage from "Star Wars Underworld", something George Lucas was working on apparently and even had written a ton of scripts for. The budget for each episode was estimated to be in the $30m range (PER EPISODE). Everything got cancelled once Disney bought Lucas.

Its interesting but also... crappy lol. Blade Runner Star Wars lite

"Released test footage from 2010 of the cancelled Star Wars TV show "Underworld," which was to take place in the lower levels of Coruscant. The series was set after the events of Order 66. The video game "1313" was to be a tie-in of this series. Due to the immense cost of shooting the series, as well as the selling of Lucasfilm to Disney, "Underworld" was delayed and eventually cancelled.

Lucas wanted to have 100 episodes, each an hour long. The problem is that the episodes were going to cost 50 million dollars each. Lucasfilm didn't have that kind of money. They were trying to invent new technology which would allow them to radically bring costs down. Allow them to shoot an hour of VFX-driven storytelling in a cyberpunk city on a budget closer to 5-10 million. Star Wars has always been suited to longform TV storytelling. It's why Clone Wars works so well. But Lucas and his team dreamed of being able to have VFX as good as -- actually better than -- something like Revenge of the Sith, but with a much lower budget and several hours to tell each story arc.

The test footage isn't a great film, but it's not supposed to be. It's a tech demo showing how they could create these amazing looking environments and blend actors into them. There's also some really interesting intimacy to the camera work, and the instant replay means that they know how it's going to look as they're shooting it. A really, really impressive tech demo. Supposedly some of the scripts for SW: Underworld were really, really good. Corey Balrog has said he got to read some of the scripts:

“Probably the really small beginnings of this idea, the germination of this — when I was working at Lucas, I was allowed to go up to the ranch and read the scripts for the [canceled live-action Star Wars] TV show. It was the most mind-blowing thing I’d ever experienced. I cared about the Emperor. They made the Emperor a sympathetic figure who was wronged by this fucking heartless woman. She’s this hardcore gangster, and she just totally destroyed him as a person. I almost cried while reading this. This is the Emperor, the lightning out of the fingers Emperor. That’s something magical. The writers who worked on that, guys from The Shield and 24, these were excellent writers”

that looked fine. my dad would have loved it. :/
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Mr. Poopybutthole
lol Lucas with full creative control replacing Kennedy would be like saying 'heres some diarrhea that doesnt smell quite as putrid'
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
If the source is correct it could also end Disney's involvement with Star Wars besides bankrolling it and distributing it.

Iger and his other brass have made a lot of creative decisions over the year, but none of them struck me as overly beneficial.

If Lucas can get Disney out of Star Wars creative, is that such a bad thing at this point?

What were Iger's qualifications anyway to get involved with creative besides "I was a really big fan" does he even have any movie producer experience of note?
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Millie's Staff Member
If the source is correct it could also end Disney's involvement with Star Wars besides bankrolling it and distributing it.

Iger and his other brass have made a lot of creative decisions over the year, but none of them struck me as overly beneficial.

If Lucas can get Disney out of Star Wars creative, is that such a bad thing at this point?

What were Iger's qualifications anyway to get involved with creative besides "I was a really big fan" does he even have any movie producer experience of note?
Lucas will never get his hands on the SW franchise. what was the last thing he did? Red Tails? the SW story was done after RoJ to him. he knew that there was nowhere to go with this story from there. Disney found out the hard way. the best play was stuff that focused around the OT, prequells or side stories, but nothing post Vader. Snoke and the FO were just cheap knockoffs of the emperor and stormtroopers. after RoS they can never go that route again.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Lucas will never get his hands on the SW franchise. what was the last thing he did? Red Tails? the SW story was done after RoJ to him. he knew that there was nowhere to go with this story from there. Disney found out the hard way. the best play was stuff that focused around the OT, prequells or side stories, but nothing post Vader. Snoke and the FO were just cheap knockoffs of the emperor and stormtroopers. after RoS they can never go that route again.

I think chances are slim as well, but hes apparently made a haughty pitch to Iger to try to get his hands on it again.


Millie's Staff Member
I think chances are slim as well, but hes apparently made a haughty pitch to Iger to try to get his hands on it again.
heh good luck with that, Iger aint giving anyone sole control anymore. not after the last 3 debacles. and now that the franchise has hit rock bottom the movies are going in the fridge for a while til people forget about them. i predict that when Iger leaves Disney in a few years they will dust off the franchise and see if anyone still gives a shit about star wars outside of baby yoda.