Did anyone else think the Star Destroyers were useless in the space battle?
They're meant to be pretty fearsome but they didn't seem to even engage the rebel fleet until the end of the battle
I just finished watching it at the cinema.
I enjoyed it. I really like how they tied the story to the beginning of ANH and explained the age old plot hole of the Death Star vulnerability. Much darker tone and I liked that.
Second half of the movie was brilliant. The tension and drama was really well done. The final space battle was easily the best out of all the Star Wars movies. I could easily spend 2+ hrs just watching X-Wings wrecking shit up.
K2-SO was a good surprise. I expected it to annoy me like C3PO but it's well written dialogue made it stand out from the rest of the characters. I felt more empathy to it than the rest of the cast.
Flaws of the movie imo were:
First half of the movie was quite disjointed and felt like it was dragging along. At one point, they were jumping from planet to planet every few minutes and was pretty jarring.
Main actress was good but rather one dimensional in her expressions.
When Tarkin came on scene, I was pleasantly surprised they got an previous actor back again for the film but my brain was telling me something was not quite right and I could not put my finger on it on why this was the case. This happened every time he appeared and it bugged me. It was only when I got home and went online did I find out the actor was actually dead and they used CGI for his character. I think the technology is close but not quite yet there yet and that's why I felt what I did. Leia CGI was pretty awkward too.
The characterisation for Chirrut and Baze was unfortunately sorely lacking. Maybe it was because they had to cram in so many new characters and plot into a 2 and a bit hour movie and this is the result. How did they become such close buddies? What was their motivation for going along with Jyn on a suicide mission?
The tentacle monster.. uhhh why?
Darth Vader: 'Try not to choke on your aspirations' *force chokes Krennic* Wrong time to use a pun line in relation to the seriousness of the scene. Made me facepalm.
On the subject of Vader, I think him being used sparingly was the right decision but his outfit seems a bit 'off' this time round? Can't quite put my finger on it.
Mads Mikkelson was sorely underused and would have preferred much more screen time from his character.
I feel that if they had cut a couple of the main characters and fleshed out the others, it would have made a stronger movie.
It's a shame because the second half of the movie really was excellent. A worthy addition to the Star Wars franchise but not without its faults.
Loved the fan service. Nerdgasms, multiple.
I tought the tarkin was doen well, but leia wasn't. I'm surprised to learn they were both CGI. Why was leia so crappy if she was CGI? Also, the things that were wrong wth Vader's appearance IMO were the red eyes and I think his neck was too short. Also, the cheesy ass line about choking on aspirations.
So what happened to the ghost in the big space battle? By the time it rolled around, I forgot to look for it. It would be a nice bow on the series if we saw it get destroyed.
Oh and when K2SO died, I was like, fuckit, errybody better fucking die now. I wuz pleased. Not so pleased with why the death star didn't direct hit the base, and that they didn't get naked and die having sex. But whatevs, gotta give some leeway to the producers and directors.
Vader's eyes were red because in ANH his eyes were red. I think at the time, it was just because the quality control wasn't so good for ANH and they fixed it in ESB. But instead, Rogue One tied that flaw into the story and made it seem like he just got a new mask after ANH
Vader's eyes were red because in ANH his eyes were red. I think at the time, it was just because the quality control wasn't so good for ANH and they fixed it in ESB. But instead, Rogue One tied that flaw into the story and made it seem like he just got a new mask after ANH
They shaded the lenses black for re-release, didn't they. Still own the pre-special edition 1995 untampered trilogy on VHS.
Go back and re-watch A New Hope, the star destroyers in Episode IV are pretty freaking white