A Mod Real Quick
I enjoyed this movie. I can't get into the debates. Wasn't as good as force awakens.
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yeah, I thought the Vader appearances were on point and tasteful. I don't get the rlm calls for fanboys jerking off, and general cameo fanbait etc.Thats exactly my sentiment I was actually confused about some of the hate toward that final Vader scene. All I heard for years was about how Vader did jack shit when it came to actually being a menace via fucking dudes up in Ep 4.
They obviously went out of their way to display that and quell that very gripe, and now people are reducing it to fan service. It is fan service, but it was also fucking awesome. Like I said one of the best 90 seconds or so in the entire Star Wars saga. They really conveyed Vaders stregnth both with the ease of which he was maneuvering his saber but the way he utilized his force throws, grabs and chokes. Just a really sick portrayal of badassery when it comes to force power and overall devastating attack potential of a skilled saber user.
R1 showed the Rebel alliance on Yavin4, getting an alert for the R1 team attacking Scariff. then sending a fleet in response. notability, this is very specifically shown as a fleet ON yavin4 being sent. r2/c3po, the captain.
Yavin 4 is on the other side of the Galaxy. Scariff is right next to Tatoonie, and Genosha. It should have taken about 7 days to respond. not 10minutes-2 hours.
TFA had it occur several times. The hyperspace lazerbeam from starkillerbase, the visible core worlds, and the attack on Starkiller base as well. the Alliance was attacked, organized and attacked starkiller base in 20minutes. real time. they were trying to beat the sun being depleted for another attack, targeting the alliance base. They left the alliance base and arrived at starkiller basically instantly.
Pacing wise, yes, they should have had flight travel scenes to suggest the passage of time, as well frankly. (there were a few scenes of that too. Rey leaving to find Luke. yes, there should have been a scene with her alone on the ship, instead of instantly cutting to her arrival.)
But, worse, both TFA and R1 had timed elements that removed travel time entirely. we were very expressly shown the Rebels leaving for Scariff AFTER the fighting started. and, we were expressly shown the Alliance leaving for starkiller base, AFTER the countdown clock started.
I think Leia shouldn't have shown up at all. or should have been pushed back to haven't not been on site. That was dumb.
what? the Empire catching up to leia's smaller/slower ship was a plot hole in ANH? what?
Anyway, he also says the plans were beamed to her ship. By your own logic, the Empire could have simply just followed the ship that rendezvoused with hers. Which is pretty much exactly what is suggested in ANH.
Like, the Tarkin-Krennic-Erso dynamic could have/should have been a larger part of the movie. Krennic as a character falls apart a bit, as he is presented as more straightforward evil. Him wrangling between politics, bureaucracy, and getting his masterpiece built, could have been fantastic.
I have not read this thread since the movie came out, nor did I read plot line spoilers etc. Finally saw the movie today, delayed seeing it because I have been sick. Anyway, the movie was okay, not great not terrible just felt like a forced plot to have a female hero to make present day SJWs happy. My big issue is that there was not a single fucking Bothan on screen. Fuck you Disney for CGI Tarkin but not one CGI Bothan, I guess the "many Bothans died" was just a lie. I cannot be alone in this complaint.
Pretty sure the Bothan line is for the RotJ Death Star plans.