Animation is dogshit. I can't remember the original series well enough to know if it's better. It is better than rebels, but then again so was clone wars. They're all a step down from the cartoons I grew up on like Thundercats, Looney Tunes, and Transformers. An example, when hunter tossed the key to tech. It was so fucking awkward. They should have had him step across and hand the key over if that's the best toss they could do. Everything is awkward. They can't figure out how to have 2 characters in the same frame looking at each other. They always seem to be looking past each other.animation is amazing and its crazy to see the difference in quality between clone wars and this.
I added this to my Sonarr and I was really disappointed to see it was animated. Is it kiddie shit?
Im not big on them at all either. I havent watched Clone Wars or anything either. Bad Batch isnt bad but its definitely harder to get immersed in. Some of the characters are just so cheesy and cliche its cringy.I tried, I really did... but I fuckin hate cartoons. I think I got to episode 8 before I just had to admit that I was bored and not having any fun.
Aphra is an archeologist, not a medical doctor. She basically the SW Indiana Jones. But yeah, I agree with your guess on the location.At the end was that...
Big mountain facility? Seen in establishing shot. Check.
Subtropical environment? Also seen in establishing shot Check
Cloning facility? with Nala Se... Check
I think they just destroyed a major Star Wars lore planet and compensated us by giving us a new one.
The woman who greets Nala Se Brown hair, almond shaped brown eyes, serious goggles. Could that be a young Dr. Aphra?
was wondering whats next for Star Wars since Bad Batch just wrapped season 1 and Book of Boba Fett isn't until dec. Turns out its anime star wars
starting sep 22, 7 episodes
will also be in japanese
'Star Wars' Held Back From Airing "Crazy" Clone Trooper Moment
Star Wars is, first and foremost, an adventure about and for the family. George Lucas’s original film entered the world back in 1977 and Star Wars has since gone on to become one of the world’s leading movie franchises. Whether it’s Darth Vader’s ominous presence, a Wampa attack on Hoth,
I added this to my Sonarr and I was really disappointed to see it was animated. Is it kiddie shit?