They also predicted President Trump back before he was making any noise about running.Yeah, that one hurts in hindsight.
Also, this picture is not an edit. The Simpsons can see the future
They also predicted President Trump back before he was making any noise about running.Yeah, that one hurts in hindsight.
Also, this picture is not an edit. The Simpsons can see the future
Trump had already announced a possibility of running for president in 1999. That Simpson's episode is from 2000, so they were just being topical.They also predicted President Trump back before he was making any noise about running.
She was very prominent for a non speaking role and has Alderaan style hair. Would be interesting if she is another Leia/Han child and is Kylo Ren's brother, maybe having a role in later films. They just didn't introduce her properly here because it's irrelevant to the story.Here's a pic of Billie Lourd in the movie; she might indeed be the one you saw in a later scene.
You're not the only one who think they saw Sutherland there, although he's not mentioned anywhere on the mainstream movie sites so it might be a lookalike.
Head looks dumb. Granted out of the original movies, the real world usefullness of the at-at was probably a little silly. The graphic novels, forget the name but when luke goes and finds all these emperor clones and han and folk are out trying to find luke..... Had a lot of cool war machines in there.Wish we saw more of the vehicles the First Order was using on Starkiller Base. I kinda get not wanting to show these as I'm sure they would generate more 'rehash' talk. I think there was a scene when they first get off the Falcon where you can see them walking in the distance
Not sure I like the design of these as much as the original, but the wider gait seems to make them impervious to speeder cables, which is kinda cool
Guess you missed the whole he owns the second most stock in Disney.Like i said earlier, Lucas is pissed because he was stupid enough to sell Star Wars just for 4 billion ahah
If you're talking about who I think you are looking like Sutherland, it wasn't. The guy with a very full head of almost white hair who said something about disabling the planet when they were discussing the attack on Starkiller Base did slightly resemble an early 90's era Donald Sutherland.So the last celebration scene, right before Rey takes off to go find Luke, I could have sworn I saw in the background Donald Sutherland high fiving someone who looked a whole hell of a lot like a blonde Maisie Williams (Arya from GoT) but might have been Carrie Fisher's daughter.
4 Billion he gave away to charity. He aint sad about money.Like i said earlier, Lucas is pissed because he was stupid enough to sell Star Wars just for 4 billion ahah
The use of Phasma was one of my biggest let down. I honestly think she should have been the one to fight with Finn at Maz's place.Speaking of vehicles, why wasn't Phasma a tie pilot? She could have had a special fighter like Vader did, although they probably would have made it a shiny chrome one which could have been stupid. But having her in the final dogfight with Poe and his squad would have at least given the character something better than getting bitched out on the base. Then Finn/Han could have intimidated some other rank and file troopers to get the shields down, which would have been easier to accept.
Which makes the "white slavers" comment even more of a fucking joke.Guess you missed the whole he owns the second most stock in Disney.
They might have done it the way they did to play up a future rivalry between Finn and Phasma. I could easily see her being sent to deal with him one on one both to make an example of deserters and because in the novelization he was one of her prize troopers. I could also see her leaving the Order out of fear for being held accountable for bringing down the shields and deciding to hire out as a bounty hunter (maybe even changing her identity) with Finn as her own personal mark.Speaking of vehicles, why wasn't Phasma a tie pilot? She could have had a special fighter like Vader did, although they probably would have made it a shiny chrome one which could have been stupid. But having her in the final dogfight with Poe and his squad would have at least given the character something better than getting bitched out on the base. Then Finn/Han could have intimidated some other rank and file troopers to get the shields down, which would have been easier to accept.
Well some sort of ranking dudes could have been operating that shield room, maybe not even stormtroopers. She's more of a field officer for combat anyway. Which sort of makes sense for base security and all, but in the Star Wars paradigm I feel like it makes as much or more sense that she'd be an elite fighter pilot. I thought I read before that flying ties was the path to promotions in the empire in the first place, not sure if that's EU or what. Kinda makes sense the same way that fighter pilots are the pool for admirals in the real life navy.They might have done it the way they did to play up a future rivalry between Finn and Phasma. I could easily see her being sent to deal with him one on one both to make an example of deserters and because in the novelization he was one of her prize troopers. I could also see her leaving the Order out of fear for being held accountable for bringing down the shields and deciding to hire out as a bounty hunter (maybe even changing her identity) with Finn as her own personal mark.
And you would think that only a high ranking officer would have the authority to deactivate the shields anyway. It would also need to be someone easily recognizable to pick out of an entire base crawling with stormtroopers.
It would have been better on some levels but problematic on others, given what they were trying to show in that fight scene. Finn kills one trooper that he took completely by surprise with the lightsaber. The one with the riot baton fucking owned him and he only lived because of a timely shot by Han. You can't really show Finn's lack of ability with the lightsaber the way they did in that fight then create a moment where you think that he might actually be killed only to have both he and Phasma live.The use of Phasma was one of my biggest let down. I honestly think she should have been the one to fight with Finn at Maz's place.
It wouldn't surprise me at all if they don't promote conditioned troops to high ranking officers because they consider them to be not quite suited to certain leadership roles.She's the head of the brainwashed trooper brigade, she'd take the blaster to the face before surrendering her base.
Yeah but still, do you really expect me to buy that the captain of the whole thing would have just laid down and given up like that? It was just a convenient way to have a Finn/Phasma confrontation. We'll see where they go in the future with her but obviously right now her character is a huge nerd rage point. I just think having her see some real Tie/X-Wing combat involving Poe would have at least given the character some more pertinent stake in the story. Probably will have a connection involving Finn going forward but for this film she was a tangent at best or a pointless shoehorned suit of action figure armor at worst.It wouldn't surprise me at all if they don't promote conditioned troops to high ranking officers because they consider them to be not quite suited to certain leadership roles.
Probably not. The only reason she looked so badass is because her shiny armor was originally supposed to be Ren's. They later decided to go with a different costume but it just looked so good they decided to create her character to be able to put it to use. That's also why she was so underdeveloped as a character. They also didn't know they would eventually cast someone with such a high profile in the role.If she didn't look so badass I wonder if we'd even care about her.