Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Well if you have a couple of grand just burning a hole in your pocket and needsomething to drop it on...

As much as a love the franchise I never really went in for much of the memorabilia but goddamn I want that bowcaster.



Mr. Poopybutthole
<Bronze Donator>
So wait... JJ says her parent are "not in Episode VII" but I thought he left it open ended for the next writer? Does "he" know or did they establish this recently once the script for Episode VIII? I'm just curious if all these guys got together before VII and figured it all out from VII to IX and known this whole time or if they're just now really bringing the trilogy together? Rian Johnson is writing VIII and IX so wonder how much input he entertained from others?
I think it's mostly the latter. In the recent interview with Maryann Brandon, she said that she's not sure that even JJ knows who Rey's parents are, and that it wasn't really something that was brought up in the editing process. At this point, to me it just feels like they're trolling us with a mystery that doesn't really matter in the context of the story they are trying to tell.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Did anyone read the comic yet where c3po got the red arm? What happened?


The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
crash landing on a planet with acid rain. Only the 5 or 6 droids on board manage to get out of the crashed ship. One by one as they cross the landscape they break down or get destroyed. At some point, 3-PO has an arm riped off by one of the animals on the planet. During the journey, Arm droid kind of does an existential monologue as he realizes, as the acid rain washes his paint off and he's red underneath, that he has no idea what his old lives are because with each mem-wipe he starts over. Alignment is almost arbitrary, he and 3-PO may have even been on the same side at one point. At the end, its only 3-PO and the droid the arm is from. Arm droid sacrifices itself to send a signal from another crashed ship during an acid rain storm so 3-PO doesnt get disintegrated by the rain too. 3-PO decides to wear the arm to honor his "friend". Mostly cheesy, but the existential crisis part of it was actually pretty neat.


Trakanon Raider
Couple other points. The Droid the arm is from is a bronze colored Imperial protocol Droid with stolen Data. C3P0 and other droids are trying to get it back to the resistance when they crash on a savage jungle planet. If I remember right, there was another ship they were trying to get to, but they needed to cross this jungle. Each Droid gets picked off one by one until it's just 3P0 sans one arm and the Imp Droid. They make it to the ship, but there are large creatures bearing down on them. The Imp Droid puts the data in the arm and sacrifices himself so 3P0 can escape. Or maybe it was to send a distress signal? All the while acid rain is stripping the bronze paint from the Imp Droid revealing a red base. Data is recovered from the arm but 3P0 chooses to keep the red one to honor his 'friend' and mostly what Miguel said...

...Or to sell different toys...


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
...Or to sell different toys...
And comics apparently. There was actually a red protocol droid in TFA at the very end when Rey was leaving to go to the planet Luke was on. I assume they had it in there as a tie in to 3PO's replacement arm in case they wanted to utilize it.


Silver Knight of the Realm
The protocol droid was a RED like HK-47!! ZOWERSZ C-3PO GONNA MURDER DUDES IN EP 8 CONFIRMED!


FPS noob
interesting ted talk, although the second half is too weird for me. had no idea about adam driver's background



Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Yeah there was a documentary, on HBO i think, about a project he did with some other actors back in either Iraq or Afghanistan and it went all into his military service.


The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
fuck it, I stopped watching after 2 minutes. I fucking loved Ep7 each of the 7 times I saw it in the theater, and the countless times I have watched it at home since. Enough 45th week monday morning quarterbacking. (having said that, I usually love that guys videos)


Lord Nagafen Raider
2 minutes? The actual review of SW: Mary Sue Awakens starts at ~55min. Everything up to that is the obligatory shitting on GLucas and prequels.
Sadly, it was rather tame.


Musty Nester
And actually really positive. The real shit he was slinging wasn't at the movie, it was at fanbois and anti fanbois. And Lucas. He will never stop shitting on that hackfraud.

The complaints about the movie itself were satirical nitpicks and missed opportunities.

Tldr: It was a very, very safe movie. And it was a good movie. It could have been a great movie. But it was still a good movie.


Millie's Staff Member
yeah, the plinkett review was mostly about the shit behind ep7. he likes the movie, but as Iannis says, it was a safe movie. no risks, a board room made sure of that. thats the worst thing to be said about it. the star wars ring theory is an interesting theory, but its also stupid because G Lucas is stupid and wouldnt think of doing something like that.


The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
I'll give it another shot, I assumed it would get shredded with how that started out, but it was pretty much all about George when I shut it off.