The Force.
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Is it though? 7 other movies (8 if you count Vader's brief appearance in R1) with Force users and we've seen nothing remotely similar...but we'll debut it with the one "Jedi" who we're not even sure is actually a Jedi b/c we've seen zero training for her and virtually zero Force use from her prior to that moment. Also all of the stuff listed has nothing to do with surviving in a vacuum, nor have we really seen much of the psychokenisis being utilized by any Force user on themselves, save for boosting jumps. If it was that easy, the Emperor could have just halted his fall down the shaft in RotJ after Vader tossed him down you would think, even with gravity affecting him. I think my needle is pretty intact on this.
Dude. You had no idea you could toss a lightsaber, become a ghost, flip around like a ninny or any of the other shit until it was shown to you. Did you watch Luke light up that saber in ANH and go "Well this is just scientifically impossible" and check out? It's the fucking force man. Who knows what you can do with it until its shown. This is why the nostalgia, faux-old school fanboi idiocy is so dumb. They want to ONLY see THIS impossible feat, not THAT impossible feat.
She is the daughter of a dude that took out an entire fleet when he was 8 years old... ON ACCIDENT.Leia Poppins had none of that.
No. Those were bad films made to be bad. TLJ was not that at all. It is certainly at the bottom of the Star Wars films (again TPM and TLJ duel it out to the fates), but it's not a bad film in it's own world. The problem is stupid nerds have an idea of the world that this film doesn't mesh with and they just can't deal with it. I would LOVE to sit with you guys, smoke a joint while we watch Battle for Endor and watch you people lose your fucking minds over how awesome it is.Screamfeeder
Too lazy to page back and see if you've provided deep feedback on this film or not, but you do admit that TLJ was a steaming pile of shit that practically makes Leprechaun 3 and Cyborg look good right?
Battle for Endor. Sheeeeeeeyaaat.
You can come with us.
No. Those were bad films made to be bad. TLJ was not that at all. It is certainly at the bottom of the Star Wars films (again TPM and TLJ duel it out to the fates), but it's not a bad film in it's own world. The problem is stupid nerds have an idea of the world that this film doesn't mesh with and they just can't deal with it. I would LOVE to sit with you guys, smoke a joint while we watch Battle for Endor and watch you people lose your fucking minds over how awesome it is.
It would be glorious.
It's bad. It's just as bad as the dialog in the OT. Go back man. Watch RoTJ and apply this same critical eye. There are some fucking lame lines but nostalgia makes you gloss over it.Ugh I dunno man.. This isn't a "nerd rage" issue, this is an issue of shitty script, shitty acting, shitty story, injected political messaging, and disposed of characters.. To start.
I mean c'mon, how else can you describe the entire interaction between General Pink Hair and Pasta Pilot? How can you, as a scriptwriter, read over their dialogue and not fucking cringe? Or the lines spewed by Rose? Shit is Sweet Valley High level writing.
Whose to say Rey doesn't have some of that from a totally different bloodline.
Wanna 3 month avatar bet on that?As I noted earlier, I don't buy for a second JJ isn't going to be like "he was just fucking with you Rey, you're bloodline is actually X".
Wanna 3 month avatar bet on that?
Sure. I was going to go with "Reys parents were not Jedi" but you REALLY want to hedge your bets on this one with those Apple EULA conditions.You're betting that JJ sticks with the "Rey's parents were just junk dealers with zero significance whatsoever and she had zero connections to Skywalker's old training facility or any other bloodline with even slight significance?"