Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
I certainly knew a $4B deal would mean endless Star Wars, who didn't. That said, if they ever reach or even come close to the level of entertainment the MCU is providing, that's when I'll be impressed. Until then... hold on I have to go take a huge piss.
Number one.....
I doubt they'll ever get to that level myself. For starters Marvel is the better run ship, creatively and otherwise. And it should be at this point because Marvel has a huge mountain of material, developed and built up over decades by a variety of talented individuals, to adapt into movies and shows. Contrast that with Lucasfilm and it's canon policy that makes adapting any of the material outside of the movies regardless of how good it is problematic. Then you have Marvel charging full speed ahead (and steadily improving in the process) striking while the iron is hot as far as the popularity of superheroes is concerned. Lucasfilm on the other hand is concerned about diminishing the event status of Star Wars releases by putting out too many movies too close together.
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