Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
For size.



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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Yes. Well, royal guards presumably. Or whatever Snoke's equivalent to the old Imperial Guards ends up being called.

If you go back over some of Rian Johnson's interviews from shortly after he was announced as the director he's consistently mentions several old Japanese films as sources that serve as his inspiration as a director in general and would be significant to his approach to TLJ. He tweeted out a list of films that he had paid a lot of attention to just as he was beginning the edit and there were several old Japanese samurai flicks on it.

If vibroblade technology is being featured in the movie and portrayed in some way, then I'm happy. I just love the science behind the vibroblade. Vibroblades were so common in the EU-- everyone was using them and of various sizes. For 20+ years we've heard about them but have never seen them on film. So this actually has some cool factor, albeit gimmicky, but the Prequels were targeted to kids as well what with Lucas's badguy designs.

One question I have now (while speculating on these samurai guards): did they cast an actor for Snoke that we know of? I haven't been paying attention. I was desperately hoping for an actual portrayal outside of the fully CGI uncanny valley triggering fellow we saw in TFA. But with the Prequels heavy use of fully CGI bad guys, I'd guess I had better get used to the idea. Still, fingers crossed for realistic flesh n blood Snoke.

Can Snoke cast rezz on Darth Sidious and forgive him in the 3rd movie? McDiarmid is still in shape. JJ Abrams already upended the direction of these movies with remake/reboot fanfare, so throw us some more fucking fanfaire.
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The Big Mod
I'm watching episode 7 right now on Starz and literally cringing at how bad it is. Fuck, so bad. And before you ask I only have it on because it's almost over and Rush Hour 2 is on next.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I'm watching episode 7 right now on Starz and literally cringing at how bad it is. Fuck, so bad. And before you ask I only have it on because it's almost over and Rush Hour 2 is on next.

"video game pacing and video game storyline character development" comes to mind. Could all of the dialogue from episode 7 be erased since nobody actually listens to video game story dialogue? Difficult to think of one dramatic moment with classic star wars dialogue. They should have made the movie that Mark Hamill suggested with the dramatic scenes he outlined to Jarjar Rippo Abrams-- great director, if you need a movie that feels cheap.

Bad karma for Vanity Fair et al to continue to promote Ep. 7 in 2017, with Ep. 8 coming out. That is some borderline Gamergate incestuous political nepotism right there and its completely unwarranted.

That aside:

Disney's CEO Just Made A Bold Claim About Mark Hamill's Last Jedi Performance

It sounds like Mark dies in 8. I am not spoilering because its just speculation, but all of this hype about his "performance" seems to be very much a final send-off by Disney. This is tantamount to the other interviews with Mark that I've posted here. The sum of parts has added up. Disney is giving him colors on his casket.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Back before shooting even began Lucasfilm was talking about using what amounted to a large puppet for Snoke. That would probably have CGI enhancements applied to it in post as well though. I haven't heard to much about how that effort went though RJ did say that Snoke is not a character he spent a lot of time focusing on so that may be a hint.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Again for size.

The first pic we've seen of ST Luke with a lightsaber, even unlit.





Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Something interesting about this pic from one of the D23 panels yesterday.


They've definitely de-aged Hamill in that shot. He's looks quite a bit younger than he did in his brief appearance in TFA so I don't think it's one of those general purpose de-aging jobs they often do for older actors these days. It looks like they're going to make use of flashbacks beyond Rey's force vision.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I think this will be better than TFA. Abrams has certain sets of skills and isnt a terrible visionary or director, I just think he holds on too closely to his source material and just adds a sleek, clean skin to it with new designs and features. He ALMOST broke from this with Kylo Ren, but then devolved at the penultimate moment by having him kill Han. I understand it was Fords time to go, but they could of done it another way, as I dont see how Kylo's character has any kind of redemption arc after such an act.

He is obviously conflicted, much like Anakin in way, so they will probably ultimately bring his character full circle, I just hope this particular movie stands out on its own merits and is just a great Star Wars movie, regardless of the overall story.


what Suineg set it to
It rhymes, it's like poetry.

How is the Empire With No Toy going to be a threat again this film? 4th Death Star?

Yawn Luke will sacrifice himself to force ghost Rey.

A bunch of shitty uninteresting battle scenes pew pew CGI.

Hard push for "subtle" multiculturalism by instead of showing a cool unique new alien, we'll see thousands of bland samey shit that dumb magazine SJW writers will fawn over like the first black Muslim female Mon Calamari battlecruiser captain that also uses a wheel chair.

Finn will be underused and the script will have him desperately trying to be Han Solo it will be cringeworthy.

There will be at least one failed romance, probably pilot dude and Rey. Gotta mimic ESB.

There will be a bunch of dumb exposition scenes to try and link the whole thing back to the rest of the galaxy, just like the last one, because if you don't assume the audience are idiots your movie won't get an Oscar.

Phasma will make a joke about finally getting paid as much as a man.

Droids will be relied upon too much instead of background characters.

They'll introduce a bunch of be ships and stupid shit kids will recognize because you have to sell more toys.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
There will be at least one failed romance, probably pilot dude and Rey. Gotta mimic ESB.

Aww, you were on fire! You hit a speed bump with this one..

Star Wars WILL have gays says JJ Abrams & John Boyega CONFIRMS Finn and Poe gay rumours

5 Major Signs Star Wars' Poe Dameron is Gay

Is Star Wars 7 Ready To Make Poe Dameron & Finn Gay?

Kennedy addressed it directly in the link below, confirming its a legitimate plot line that has been discussed at Disney about the possibility of making the romance fit somehow into The Last Jedi. However she manages expectations by later stating that its unlikely to make The Last Jedi-- leaving the door open for Episode 9.

Star Wars boss confirms 'talks' about gay Finn/Poe romance

Several major blog speculated after TFA released that the pilot is intended to be a homosexual, but in Disney fashion they kept it as implied innuendo. Will Rian's movie steer away from that, probably not. He is not going to mack on any ladies, but he is also not going to be out of the closet in The Last Jedi. (unless Kennedy lied to throw a curve ball)

If Rian is able to work this script away from the decisions that Jarjar Abrams made for this franchise, I would be surprised. Healthy skepticism.
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Tranny Chaser
I have to wonder to what degree they are wanting to Marvel-ize Star Wars post Ep 9. If you treat the mainline Star Wars Saga films like you do the team flicks like Avengers then you have room to do things like a Poe/BB8 buddy cop adventure movie or a Rey lone warrior film or even a Kylo Ren fall to darkness all as one off movies and then come back together for a X XI and XII interspersed with other adventures where they introduce more characters.


The Big Mod
Aww, you were on fire! You hit a speed bump with this one..

Star Wars WILL have gays says JJ Abrams & John Boyega CONFIRMS Finn and Poe gay rumours

5 Major Signs Star Wars' Poe Dameron is Gay

Is Star Wars 7 Ready To Make Poe Dameron & Finn Gay?

Kennedy addressed it directly in the link below, confirming its a legitimate plot line that has been discussed at Disney about the possibility of making the romance fit somehow into The Last Jedi. However she manages expectations by later stating that its unlikely to make The Last Jedi-- leaving the door open for Episode 9.

Star Wars boss confirms 'talks' about gay Finn/Poe romance

Several major blog speculated after TFA released that the pilot is intended to be a homosexual, but in Disney fashion they kept it as implied innuendo. Will Rian's movie steer away from that, probably not. He is not going to mack on any ladies, but he is also not going to be out of the closet in The Last Jedi. (unless Kennedy lied to throw a curve ball)

If Rian is able to work this script away from the decisions that Jarjar Abrams made for this franchise, I would be surprised. Healthy skepticism.

Fucking disgusting.
  • 1Solidarity
  • 1Worf
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what Suineg set it to
Aww, you were on fire! You hit a speed bump with this one..

Star Wars WILL have gays says JJ Abrams & John Boyega CONFIRMS Finn and Poe gay rumours

5 Major Signs Star Wars' Poe Dameron is Gay

Is Star Wars 7 Ready To Make Poe Dameron & Finn Gay?

Kennedy addressed it directly in the link below, confirming its a legitimate plot line that has been discussed at Disney about the possibility of making the romance fit somehow into The Last Jedi. However she manages expectations by later stating that its unlikely to make The Last Jedi-- leaving the door open for Episode 9.

Star Wars boss confirms 'talks' about gay Finn/Poe romance

Several major blog speculated after TFA released that the pilot is intended to be a homosexual, but in Disney fashion they kept it as implied innuendo. Will Rian's movie steer away from that, probably not. He is not going to mack on any ladies, but he is also not going to be out of the closet in The Last Jedi. (unless Kennedy lied to throw a curve ball)

If Rian is able to work this script away from the decisions that Jarjar Abrams made for this franchise, I would be surprised. Healthy skepticism.

Yea that's why I said they would be the failed romance duh
  • 1Worf
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Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
I have to wonder to what degree they are wanting to Marvel-ize Star Wars post Ep 9.

I don't think they're looking to go the Marvel route at all by having the standalones feed the sagas. The way they've managed the franchise so far is to relegate everything outside of the saga films to purely backfill. This is why all of the announced anthology movies as well as the potential ideas for future ones all deal with shit near the OT time period. And they want the sagas to be distinctive from the other movies. If they were to start intermingling the characters and actors between the two that would go right out the window.

I think they would only give the current saga characters their own standalones if the next set of saga movies moves to a completely different time period than the current one.


Potato del Grande
Robosexualism will legitimately be a leftist political point within twenty years.
The point will be that robots can't consent so it's roborape to put your penis in anything other than a consenting feminist vagina, transhole or child sexuality.


<Bronze Donator>
The point will be that robots can't consent so it's roborape to put your penis in anything other than a consenting feminist vagina, transhole or child sexuality.

What about after they achieve self-assessment?