Personally at this point. Cancel episode IX, let TLJ be the ending to the series, and then sit on it for a couple years and then start over way into the future with a whole new story line involving the force with new characters and what not. Someone else mirrored my sentiments. I actually liked (loved even) TFA. However, most of it's legs were dependent on how everything they set up played out, because of the fact that the foundation was A New Hope reskinned. I liked Rey's character. I liked Finn. I liked Poe. All of them were great with the exception of Kylo being an annoying twat.
I was excited to see who Rey really was, and how she fit into all of this. I wanted to see Finn develop into a hybrid of Lando and Han. I wanted to see Poe be the grounding elder to both of them. I was hoping that whole "Knights of Ren" and Snoke would take a different form since the military aspect of the new order was basically destroyed. Also I really wanted to see what Luke actually did that he felt he fucked over the entire galaxy, and what actually happened between him and Kylo. But nope at every turn TLJ basically disregarded where the story actually left off and went bonkers. And outside of just up and saying "Just kidding, TLJ was a fever dream" and starting all the way over with a new episode 8, there is no salvaging the mess Johansan and Kennedy left.
I just don't see how they recoup their investement into even making an episode IX. Even if it's packed to the brim with fan service with absolutely no bearing to the actual story. I just don't.