StarCraft 2


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Hahaha, fuck yes. I hope he starts back up full time now. I mean, I watch League a lot but I never saw him at all, apparently he didn't do so well. I watched him on Polar Night do the same thing, CC > Rax > CC, was a roach/speedling attack on him and he just never bothered to raise his depots after the roaches came in lol. Could have blocked the mass speedlings but nopppppe. Fucking MKP, so good.
I don't know LoL speak but someone said on the KR solo queue he was like Diamond 3 occasionally playing with pros but everyone agreed he wasn't good enough for a legit team. They said he was basically mid masters in LoL equivalent.


Bronze Knight of the Realm

Whoa I don't know if anyone talked about it at the time but MVPDream vs Parting the building placement by Parting made it so the Reaper could only scout the TC if he came in one direction (bascially going south from the Nexus) because Parting put his Gateway/Core in such a way it created a wall-off with the minerals. Sick.


Trakanon Raider
I do that since the dawn of time when people opened reaper every other game, sucks when you have to counter drops though.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Flash vs Sora highlights the gayness that is TvP. Flash defended everything perfectly the entire game but then Sora had a handful of good storms at the end and then just steamrolls because the ground army died in an instant. It doesn't matter how well you play the entire game if you make one slip up and let a flank storm happen you lose. Period. End of story. Sora allowed like 3 Tempest and 2 Colossus to die moments before that to Vikings and it didn't matter. Storms are just too good against super fragile bio. The matchup is an absolute joke and not enjoyable to watch.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Maybe he should have made ghosts......looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool .

Seriously though, storm is pretty damn OP against bio. Other problem is how great 3/3 chargelots do against anything that isn't marines, yet storms completely decimate marines so it aint no problem.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Not to mention if you have 3/3 Chargelots you have 3/3 Colossus which just look at marines and a row dies. I don't know if you watched the game but Flash did have Ghosts but Sora was doing a decent job of killing them via feedback. But it was moot because Flash was still pushing Sora back killing his t3 until Sora flanked with like 3 Templar. Then, as you'd expect, he just warped in Chargelots 10 at a time and Flash couldn't stop it. It was actually a pretty exciting TvP until the finish that left a sour taste.

Something I'd like to see happen is make it so blink can't navigate arbitrarily high cliffs. If a reaper can't jump it make it so a Stalker can't blink it. Currently a map can be made so it is open but at tier 2 height to avoid reapers entering. But if a map is open (like Yensou) then blink is just flat-out too good.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I still think doing something to the MSC would be best. Make it give really shitty vision so if you want to get high ground vision for your stalkers you have to get real close with your MSC which will allow ranged units to actually pick it off. Right now it can sit safely far enough away and still be able to timewarp / recall if needed. Or increase blink CD so if they blink in they won't be able to blink out for a loooong time. (didnt they already do this once before? I don't recall.)

Also they should change storm to do scaling damage the longer they are under the storm. Right now it's 80 damage over 4 seconds so 20 damage per second pretty much. Could easily make it still 80 damage over 4 seconds but make it start at a much lower damage and build up faster. So if you're only under storm for 1 second, maybe it only does 5 damage, 2 seconds maybe 20, 3 seconds maybe 40, the whole storm 80, etc etc. Right now, even if you stim + kite out of the storm almost instantly you'll still take one tick, if not 2 ticks of storm, which basically means a bunch of dead marines. It'd still reward kiting and army splitting so it gives some counterplay to it.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I like the idea of simply nerfing MSC vision. Though I still feel the whole concept of Photon Overcharge must have been created from the same person who invented force field. I also thought about the ramp-up on storm but I think in practice it would be really hard to figure out how much the storm will do to your units. I still don't feel like late game Toss is stupidly OP I just believe that the MSC allows them to get to a killer economy without investing in defense.



Someone on ATT posted these two pictures which really highlight what I'm getting at. At the 8:30 mark the Protoss has almost nothing but probes and tech. While the Terran has to have SCV, tech and army all at the same time. This isn't even a tip top Protoss the OP said it was a Masters player on KR (so still really fucking good) but this is against MKP.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Protoss is broken, has been forever. Warp gate is the dumbest shit imaginable, and MSC broke it even further. Entire race needs to be overhauled.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
In LotV I really hope they revisit some poor design choices. Personally I don't like the idea of creep. I feel it gives way too big an advantage to Zerg and basically forces the other races to just roam the map. Free vision at the cost of a few APM is a pretty big win. I'd really just settle for it spreading slower and making it so multiple tumors don't make it spread instantly.

Force field should be out or remove it's ability to cast on ramps.

Warp Gate should only warp into a power field granted by Nexus and Warp Prisms. Remove it's ability to warp into any pylon.

MSC should either be removed completely or remove Overcharge.

Then balance the game around that.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I mainly see the problem that terran is forced into mass marines at any stage of the game, regardless of what army the protoss is fielding. Storm should be good against marines, but Terran should also have more viable options against the protoss armies of today.

Not even Battlecruisers work against zealots, thanks to that new god mode unit sniping them at 100 damage per hit from half way across the map.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Thanks bud!

Yeah, cheeses could be very strong on the map, who knows. Worse case, it sucks, everybody vetos it and Blizzard takes it off after 1 season. Either way, I'm happy as hell.

Also, why didn't I know about this allthingsterran reddit, wtfmate.