StarCraft Universe - Kickstarter SCII MMORPG?


Molten Core Raider
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StarCraft Universe by Upheaval Arts Kickstarter

A free to play science fiction Multi-Player Online RPG played through on StarCraft II. (No StarCraft purchase required)

What is StarCraft Universe?

StarCraft Universe tells a story set in an alternate reality, where the ending of StarCraft II:Wings of Liberty has a grim conclusion for Kerrigan. Without the Queen of Blades to stop the hybrid?s assault, the protoss are overwhelmed and defeated. In this reality, what would the survivors of these shattered worlds do? StarCraft Universe tells this story.

StarCraft Universe (SCU) is a game mod (Note: it is not a standalone game) for StarCraft II. Originally named World of StarCraft, SCU focuses on telling an epic story and intense combat action, as well as highly replay-able multi-player experiences. StarCraft Universe will be released as a series of custom games published through

What is the objective of this game?

The objective of this game is to experience the universe of StarCraft from a third person view and master a wide variety challenges, missions, and raiding experiences. The focus of the game is to have a team of players/friends, creating/customizing their own hero character which they use to battle together through enemy forces and powerful bosses in a rich and living environment.

How do you play this game?

Players already familiar with the MMO genre of gaming will pick up StarCraft Universe quickly, as the core game-play elements are very similar. For those who are not familiar with MMOs, we've developed an extensive user guide for players new to the game!

- You must have an internet connection and a gaming PC/Laptop.
- You must have a Account. A Account is the gaming membership required to play StarCraft II. You can sign-up at Battle.Net by clicking on "Create An Account". Sign-up is FREE and requires a valid e-mail address.
- If you don't own StarCraft II, you will need to download a FREE copy of the StarCraft II: Starter Edition here. Since the file size is very big, downloading may be paused and resumed at your own discretion.
- Downloading the project through the Arcade and start playing!

We must emphasize that all acts and expansions of SCU will be completely FREE to play through the StarCraft II: Starter Edition. You don't need to buy StarCraft II to play!

Is Blizzard Entertainment affiliated with this project?

While Blizzard is not directly affiliated with this project's production, we do communicate with them to submit bug reports and make technical requests. They have given their blessing/permission for us to launch this Kickstarter, and they are supporting our efforts by featuring SCU as an Arcade Highlight.

We will release StarCraft Universe as a series of downloadable games over that are FREE to play with the StarCraft II: Starter Edition.

Because of our limited Staff, the first chapter we plan on releasing will be a multi-player open beta to test the core system functionality, combat balance, and progression rates of SCU through a gauntlet of challenges. Kickstarter pending, we will release this open BETA in late 2013/Early 2014.

Once we feel that all of the game elements are stable, we'll begin developing additional campaign missions as episodic content, released as completed.

Upheaval Arts believes that the Arcade which Blizzard is currently developing to support mod game sales will sustain our ability to provide content for players throughout StarCraft II's lifetime, but we need your help to continue until that point.

We have the talent, we have the drive, and we have the passion - Now all we need is your help.





Funding has actually come and gone.

Looks interesting but it is no Ever, Jane

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Didnt read but has to be a WoW clone, seconding that Ever, Jane will be superior.


Is Blizzard Entertainment affiliated with this project?

While Blizzard is not directly affiliated with this project's production, we do communicate with them to submit bug reports and make technical requests. They have given their blessing/permission for us to launch this Kickstarter, and they are supporting our efforts by featuring SCU as an Arcade Highlight.
Haha okay sure. Whatever you say, pal.


Trump's Staff
They get lots of credit from me for putting their money where there mouth is and actually making something they want to play. Even a simple "glorified mod" isn't as easy to make as you might think.

an accordion_sl

They're putting in all the effort and getting crowdfunding to release a SC2 map... that will in turn give Blizzard more profit.



So, if this funding is successful, how will Upheaval Arts release StarCraft Universe, and how will it sustain itself to provide additional content in the future?

Upheaval Arts believes that the Arcade which Blizzard is currently developing to support mod game sales will sustain our ability to provide content for players throughout StarCraft II's lifetime, but we need your help to continue until that point.
That's adorable. I hope none of them quit their job with this as their future plan.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
That's adorable. I hope none of them quit their job with this as their future plan.
Pretty much this, banking your own project on Blizzard doing someting in any reasonable time frame is lunacy. They'll need this kickstarter, and two more in 2 and 4 years until this arcade thing finally comes in 2017, unless it gets titan'ed then all bets are off.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
You guys are waaaay overthinking this. This isn't a professional studio; it's a group of dudes who wanted to make a game in their spare time and Blizzard didn't shut it down because it's hosted for free on SC2. It's a win/win for both parties if the dudes get to make a couple dollars giving people what they want, and Blizzard gets free marketing (not that they really needed it, but it still costs them nothing, so why not?).


Avatar of War Slayer
If we rewound the clocks, and WC3 had just come out. and Aeon of strife had just been remade a few weeks ago in WC3.
And a bunch of guys decided to rework that mod and expand on it... They would probably go to kickstarter to get some funding to get some backing in doing it.

Seriously, not a terrible idea at all. even if it sounds highly suspect and illegal. haha.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
If they hadn't gotten Blizzard's blessing first I would agree about highly suspect and illegal, but it looks like they crossed their t's and dotted their i's. Is this the same bunch who was making a "World of StarCraft" and got a cease and desist from Blizzard's legal team?


I just finished "The Chronicles of Fate" which is their teaser playthrough and man... it actually is enjoyable. All the reviews on the Arcade tab have been 5 stars (that I saw at least) as this thing had great voice work, a story that is interesting and the gameplay surpasses any other project I have seen in terms of test phase. I recommend you try it out as I didn't expect much of anything going in. In fact I thought it would be ass but it turned out to be the total opposite.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Its cool. Just seems like a dead end. They cant make any money with it - so any income will have to be charity. I just dont expect that to last very long.


Its cool. Just seems like a dead end. They cant make any money with it - so any income will have to be charity. I just dont expect that to last very long.
Yeah I hear you Jakon. To me it's just nice to see someone give their word to doing something and actually being steadfast to deliver it despite overwhelming odds and a next to nothing budget. With all the talk about hewhoshallnotbenamed and his scams to swindle money you have this group that isn't making a dime, has no chance of making a dime, and have put something that is actually pretty cool together because they enjoy doing it. I can respect that in any setting.

On a side note I am not in the industry so would have no clue but does anyone know if completing a project like this would put this company (Upheaval Arts) in a good position for a true investment from one of the large mother companies if they came up with their own title be it MMO or not? Better stated, if they came up with their own game would they be able to use their work on this project as an example to their attention to detail and skill of their team? Frankly I have no clue how start up gaming companies even get their funding but logically speaking I would think this project could only help them if they make the choice to create their own title after they complete this because, honestly, after watching this they have really done a fantastic job of integrating the best aspects of several games that stretch back to EQ:

(Boss fight clips at 28:35)